Yeah, but there are a LOT of white women in the south.
Absentee ballots are cool and all, I’m sure southern husbands and fathers love being able to ‘check everyone voted properly’.
I get your larger points, but do you really believe millions of women had their vote “verified” by their brother or husband??
I 100% guarantee it.
Understand dominionism, those men think they’re doing their job sheparding their flock.
These are the same chucklefucks who still do purity rings and dad-daughter “promise” dances, yeah the attitude of women as property still exists in large swaths of this country
Why didn’t they do this in 2020?
The religious wacko part or the voting? The former has been going on for a loooong time, the latter I think is a combo of voter apathy, intense propaganda and the result of decades of planning by conservatives who hated having to abandon Deutchsland for Argentina
You guys need to quit watching so much TV.
In related news:
The sensational headline you sought out doesn’t actually describe what these laws are in place for (but, hey, that’s why you lot always go looking for sensation headlines! Nobody ever reads what’s actually going on anyway!)
Oh I see. You just hate that men get any kind of thought in cases of pregnancy during divorce.
Women should be allowed to get pregnant (by her husband or otherwise) then divorce the asshole and claim alimony and child support based on their word alone!!
All of these laws are in place to give the husband at least a TINY chance to present a case for themselves. Even then, courts generally side with women anyway, so it usually doesn’t matter.
but are those women so feeble that they just did what they were told? In PA MI WI??? This reeks of hacked elections.
I really think you underestimate the frequency of rural domestic abuse.
You know, I read shit like this and even though they had their fuckups, I recognize my parents did some major things right. We had family voting might, amicably discussed the candidates and issues, and then they showed us you could knowingly vote differently and still be a loving family.
Open fascists weren’t on our ballots until recently which made disagreement significantly more palatable. Talking about the rest of the ballot tho, honestly on some measures I don’t care that much and others in my family do. I’ll gladly lend my voice/vote on issues my family cares about if they’ll do the same for me (and they have).
Open fascists weren’t on our ballots until recently
Nixon was fash af. Reagan wasn’t much better. The white Christian nationalism of the modern conservative movement has been around for a long time
Thays why I have never voted for a republican and I never will.
I mean, it sounds to me like men also chose the bear. Why did they choose the bear, is it because they’re stupid? Probably not, they likely just thought their odds were better with the bear.
Dropping the metaphor, and looking in the cold light of day, those young men saw a better future under Trumpler than Harris. Articles signaled this well before, and nothing was done to address it.
Will their future be better - probably not. Can they be made to think their future is better, that’s a tough one. Remember, you can trick one group of people into thinking they have more rights by stripping the rights of those around them.
You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.
Well, there’s still 42% who voted for Harris. What’s wrong with them?
Nothing is wrong with them, but I get not wanting to gamble with thos odds.
Especially when, according to the national park service, “when bear encounters do happen, they are most often nonviolent”. So if you had to gamble…
Are you saying that theres >42% chance a bear will be on your side in the wilderness then?
That makes no sense. By all arguments taking “a man” is prolly the far better choice anyways, people are just stupid.
There’s a 100% chance that “the bear” is a fucking bear
Theres at least a decent chance “a random man” is an asset to survival and your odds of success go up instead of down…
There’s no scenario where choosing “the bear” improves your odds of success >_>;
Unless the bear is starving, rabid or you are between it and its cubs, there is a 99% chance that the bear will just leave you alone, and probably run away.
I’m guessing that’s not as high a percentage when it comes to men considering statistics involving rape and murder.
So yeah, I’d say that there are a lot of scenarios where choosing the bear improves your odds of success.
It’s like people think there are hundreds of thousands of bear maulings ever year or something…
No, I’m definitely not saying that I know the odds of a bear attack, which is why my quote was “most often” and not “>42%”.
What I am saying is 14.8% of, or roughly 1 out of every 6, women in America has been raped. Worse yet, between the ages of 16-24, they are 3-4 times more likely to be raped or sexually assaulted. So in general, women have a very real fear of being alone and unguarded around men, many suffering from PTSD from encounters while being left alone with a man.
Knowing that you have a 1 in 6 (or worse depending on age) chance to be raped in your lifetime is… bad odds. So it’s understandable that being alone with a man actually scares them more than a bear, regardless of the statistical odds of a bear attack (which again, are pretty low anyways).
And seeing that 56% of men aged 18-29 voted for a convicted sex offender, probable statutory rapist, “grab 'em by the pussy” enthusiast, who pushed back women’s rights, that means over half the men in that demographic don’t think these are “hills to die on”. So now women have a very real fear, and/or have actually been raped, and all these men are voting like their fears and rights don’t matter… yep, I get choosing the bear.
So yeah, we can argue until we are blue in the face about survival odds, but we would be missing the whole point of the discussion if we did.
Just give up humans, you have no future, you are not viable as a species.
The elusive .ml concurrence
I am both disappointed and not surprised that half of young men voted for him
I think in this situation it is probably more important to look into why more than half the population chose Trump.
The “man or bear in the woods” question is obvious ragebait. Thinking people don’t entertain hyperbolic hypotheticals that are proposed to sow divisive rhetoric.
The gender war is a psy-op proxy for the class war.
::: To be clear, I’m a proponent of market-socialism economically who wants a functional federal republic like we’re supposed to have on paper. I am not a “tankie”, nor do I want anything to do with them.
When I say “class war”, I say we fight it with the ballot, and a gun if it gets ugly to the point of no recourse (that is still far away, thankfully).
I mean, what the fuck are people gonna do against Predator drones with Hellfires? Be vaporized as cannon fodder? We’d be gullible rubes for the whims of the “enlightened LeAdErS of the People’s Revolution”, that’s what. :::
There’s also a TON left unsaid in it. Is the man armed? are you armed? Is it a hiking path? Is it the middle of the forest? Are you camping or just walking? what kinda bear? is the bear just walking or is it attacking?
You’re overthinking it; those questions are totally irrelevant to the point. Though, to be fair, the question doesn’t exactly specify this at face value.
It’s really just a thought experiment: would you rather take your chances, alone, with a random bear/man in the woods? You don’t get a weapon. You dont get to choose which man or which bear, or what they do. It’s a gamble.
If I’m in the woods, it’s because I don’t need nor want human interaction. Please pick the bear and leave me the fuck alone thanks.
Pretty much.
In hiking groups, certain people bring it up, and it’s the kind of people you expect.
The rest of us just go hiking
plot twist they actually choose Trump
If there isn’t a movie yet where a woman meets a strange man in the middle of the woods and he starts acting creepy and she gets scared, then she sees a bear and decides to chance it with the bear… and then the bear runs past her and mauls the creepy guy-
Well there should be.
We need a cocaine bear 2
Or discourse like that could be why young men are choosing the right.
That statistic makes sense when considering less of the liberal and/or left turned out while the right held their numbers. Guess the right is more effective at getting their youth to participate in the system while the left in this age range are more disenfranchised every generation.
It’s amazing how I’ve never ever seen a single thread on this metaphor and not seen at least two to three male users get furious and thus prove the metaphor 100% correct. Not once. Every single time. It’s like catnip they can’t resist it.
no, women chose the man (Trump)
It’s amazing how I’ve never seen a single thread negatively generalize half the population and not seen at least two or three people from that half of the population get indignant. It’s almost like people don’t like being stereotyped.
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Frankly at first I was angry at those who chose the bear, but after learning the majority of young men are republican I blame them less and less.
a whole 7% polled. truly representative/s
Well of it is randomly selected, then i think it is?
and the other 93% are chopped liver because they dont register. kayo, pectate
Let’s just keep shitting on men collectively, surely that will help!
We aren’t shiting on men collectively, we are shiting on men who voted for Trump.
Thats not helping.
A huge amount of those men are either suffering from mental illness, or lashing out because of that hate, which is just further polarizing them.
Women are losing their rights but we need to stop and consider how the men who voted for a convicted felon authoritarian rapist are the real victims here.
Lashing out when hurt is a maladaptive behavior. Giving in to someone who’s lashing out doesn’t solve the underlying issues. Instead, it serves to reinforce the behavior - making it happen more frequently. By contrast, therapy can absolutely help with both the behavior and any illness that’s aggravating it.
Do you honestly think Trump’s regime is going to help such people get the mental healthcare they need? If so, what, specifically, has any of his party said or done that supports that argument?
This entire post is lashing out when hurt. All of these demographic breakdowns are.
Yes, the neglect of our nation’s mental health is screwing every facet of society. The in-fighting that’s exploded since the election results came out is heart-breaking to see. Victims blaming victims, while the rich and the politicians who’ve spent decades using their money and power to actively withhold health care, attack the educational system, and sow this distrust in the first place are, once again, getting away without blame.
Trump’s not going to fix any of that. I’m going to keep bringing the focus to him and his ilk, because as easy as it is to lash out at each other, the blame squarely falls on the powerful people who’ve created this environment.
It’s not all men, but as an American man, there is a lot of trash in this country.
Shit on men. Call the conservatives nazis when it’s the Black, Asian, and Latino voters who carried this election. Repeat quotes out of context. Spread lies. That’s how we get more people on our side, right??
No worries. The people in question don’t even know Lemmy exists. This is just venting in the wind.
I’m a cishet white man, so let me say: it’s our fault. You can keep shitting on us
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You remind me of “Elevatorgate” scandal. Remember these days, you’ll see why in a few years.
Thank you for proving my point
Funnily enough, my disagreeing with you doesn’t make me a rapist or a sexual assailant
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Yeah I’m “butthurt” that the worlds most powerful “democracy” just elected a fascist. What are you 12?
edit: I disagree with the mod action above. People should be able to see how infantile the conversation has become and maybe reflect on how we got here.
Well, to be fair we are both butthurt about the election in that case.
And sure, maybe my sense of humor is juvenile, but you really could use a chill pill. Just because they don’t agree with you doesn’t mean anyone accused you of being a rapist.
Edit: and fwiw, while I don’t really think I was being uncivil, I don’t blame the mod. It was a bit silly of a joke, and clearly your reaction shows it didn’t come across as light-hearted as I intended it.
“Perhaps not, but as a woman your response to this post nevertheless makes me view you as unsafe.”
wow, that didn’t take long did it?
Did you reply to the wrong comment?
Men are getting some hate when every other group in the country gets more hate by the majority and then men lash out when they do the majority of the crimes. They have held all the power by majority for all of known history. So they lash out.
The abuser is crying because it gets a bit of its medicine now it wants to actively harm others more. Be better and you won’t be hated. I don’t have problems with minorities and women why I support them. It’s called being one of the good one’s and having empathy. I understand why someone would be apprehensive when I walk in the room. I could sell them out and jail them or SA them and get away with it for all they know. Earn trust.