sadly, erasure is not an option. been tried. best we can manage is kicking him out of the country.
sadly, erasure is not an option. been tried. best we can manage is kicking him out of the country.
repugs just cannot be allowed to continue. period.
if you feel an imbalance, go create some dog subs
typical repuglican dogma
guess it takes morethan stripping him of his assets to shut his lying mouth off
you get ads whether pay or not. keep your money
that was very definitely predictable
like a hotdog down a hallway
i used to have to buy printed maps from the magazine racks at the grocery stores back in the 80s
the vacuum between his ears is almost as strong as the field of a black hole
then that mhcomm owner is a dumbfuck for not wanting his renters property protected
ive always wondered why nobody does that with their mobile homes. seems like enough strapping would help minimize tornado damage if they were anchored deep enough
and the boss is making that call from out of state
theyve all been bought and paid for and not by you.
gotta tell it true or theyll do it to you
a smarter man keeps his edge
cutting the rope and drifting can save you a grand
if its just 1 inch i wouldnt worry about it