Wow, I really hope this isn’t the moment it starts and a bunch of copy cats spring up targeting all the parasites. That would be terrible.
Bombs being thrown into boardrooms is certainly something nobody wants.
Bad example. That is a CEO killing his board of directors.
The fact that the man got away (and had a silencer) goes to show that it’s more rich targeting the rich. Likely not a peasant. The billion-dollar question is: Why?
Suppressors, like anything else gun related, aren’t that hard to come by. You can even make your own pretty easily. They won’t hold up over 1000 rounds at the range but they would be more than sufficient for something like this.
You’re right that we don’t know why this happened. I’m just saying I don’t find the possibility that a suppressor was involved to be particularly indicative of anything other than the fact that the shooter wanted to be harder to catch, which yeah, you would expect to be the case.
Yep. A few hundred bucks for an inexpensive one, and a pretty good one costs in the neighborhood of a mid tier PC gaming rig. Theoretically you have to pay a tax and do some paperwork to get one, but you’ve already mentioned how easy they are to make.
Maybe a bunch of folks decided they’d rather hire a hitman than pay their deductibles.
It’s simple, just get the company to create a list of all the people in the last 3 years who died after being denied healthcare. And then stare in horror at the list and decide that maybe the world is a slightly better place this afternoon and we should tear down the whole company and all their ilk.
I rarely enjoy Youtube comments. today they’re quite good though
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It’ll be neither. Now that the upper class is affected, they’ll be lobbying hard for strict gun control. But hey, archery still exists…
they’ll be lobbying hard for strict gun control.
This is America. No they won’t.
Turnip banned guns at his rallies and his boot lickers didn’t care much at all.
If this starts becoming a thing where rich fucks face mob or lone gunman attacks, you can guarantee they will make laws banning guns in “freedom zones”.
Almost all blue states have strict gun control laws thanks to racist white Republicans, see Black Panther Party in California.
This is America theyll lobby it for everyone but themselves
They already have it in States like Washington.
CEO’s will buy upper body armor and write it off as a business expense.
Pretty sure grapeshot cares not for their armor.
Explained in this YouTube shorts:
deleted by creator
The killstick that got shinzo woulda worked with or without armor.
Normalize Splatoon guns
Please lobby for gun control.
I know a few guys who are into red hatwear… With a lot of guns who might not enjoy that very much.
so you want the guns taken?
No, I want the pot stirred enough for us to take our country back.
And it’s way easier to get a compound bow than a gun, and not that much harder to learn.
Harder to hide a compound bow on a subway though.
A good deal harder to conceal though
The guillotine “jokes” aren’t really jokes.
Brian Thompson’s case shows systemic vs direct violence: one hidden as “civilized,” the other viewed as evil.
Technology and bureaucracy weaponized for murder and suffering on a massive scale, yet his killer is condemned for directly responding with the same violence Thompson’s actions produced. I only feel sorry for the people who are suffering or have passed away due to the healthcare industry.
My condolences to his family, even though no insurance company ever gave my family condolences when they let my mom die
fuck it we ball
It’s a Hydra. Cut off one head, there’s 5 waiting to take this guy’s place.
You cut off a few more heads, and they’ll start to be a little more cautious with their shitty actions.
Wishful thinking. They will double down on their shitty actions while surrounded by more security than a monarch.
I guess the logical progression is to go after the most accessible level…meaning eventually the office workers would probably be a target, which isn’t great.
That, or people go after, like, their extended families instead…which isn’t exactly great either…
Maybe flooding a country with firearms and putting them into its constitution isn’t such a good idea
There is a limit to how much that kind of security can help.
Well that just sounds like a direct wealth distribution method.
“Cut off one head, two more shall take it’s place.”
Perhaps the 9mm pistol is the guillotine of the next American revolution.
TBH I always wondered why people were shooting up malls and schools instead of the people who actually cause the societal conditions they’re upset with
Edit: to be clear I’m not promoting this, it just never made sense to me
It’s called stochastic terrorism or stochastic violence. Essentially people are made increasingly angry and violence prone. Either the object of their anger is inaccessible or too diffuse to actually target.
As a result, random acts of semi-targetted violence become increasingly common. If your objective is to create an atmosphere where people have a higher baseline level of fear, which can drive irrational reactionary behavior, it does wonders. It’s also great at increasing violent acts against people you dislike without explicitly calling for it.Thank you! TIL
Billionnaires control the medias and social medias. They are purposely creating divides between the population to avoid being the target.
fleeing on a rented e-bike
“Thheeere goooes my hero, Watch him as he goes”
It’s such a weird place to be.
We are all trying to be respectful. A person has died, and that is a horrible thing. But this guy runs a company that has cause so much suffering to so many people. He may not be directly responsible for pain, suffering, and likely death, but if he had run his company more fairly, none of that would have happened.
When people made jokes about trump nearly getting killed, people kicked off and said it was abhorant to wish death upon him (despite him being a foul human being)
But I really want to just say this guy deserves it and tell people to fuck off trying to make me be respectful of this terrible person.
Somebody validate my anger.
Somebody just tell me i can hate this individual and not be bothered that he died.
think of it this way: The dude caused a TON of death. The assassin saved people’s lives.
More like avenged. The next CEO probably won’t change things.
America has more bullets than psychopaths.
well there can’t be more CEO in line than the amount of deaths the company caused
I have as much sympathy for him as his company has shown me
It’ll be like that town that got together to kill that one asshole and no one would say shit about it. That dude got murdered by a whole town, this dude got murdered by a country.
Are you talking about the movie Roadhouse?
they’re talking about serial child rapist and arsonist, Ken Rex McElroy from Skidmore Missouri.
Yuk! It was more fun when I thought they were talking about Roadhouse.
If they find the guy, I hope the jury nullifies.
He’s not going to be arrested by the cops. He’s going to be killed by the cops.
While I agree that is a likely outcome, he has the advantage of being white. Historically, as long as the gunman got away from the scene ✅, isn’t actively brandishing a weapon ❓, and is white ✅, the
copsracist thugs with badges just arrest them, and possibly buy them McDonald’s on the way to the precinct.As someone who visually presents as much whiter than this guy, I don’t like that is where we are at. I just recognize that my “natural camouflage” has allowed me to verbally berate
copsracist thugs with badges all over this country without me even being arrested. This is just the reality of how the thugs with badges operate.
Reddit Admins are watching their site burn because basically everybody is supporting and condoning the killer, and they don’t like that. Its quite funny.