Seems like a good knight out.
Naughty jokes aside, I would love that, laugh my ass off, and look forward to an amazing date.
Going on a quest? Fuck yeah
Nope. Going ice skating and then out for sushi.
Close enough.
Wearing a full suit of armor, accomplishing either IS quite the quest 😄
I challenge her to a duel. If I win, I gain her hand in marriage. If she wins… I suppose I would have to give her my hand in marriage.
Finally I could say “m’lady” without shame.
Pledge fealty and marry her immediately
Bras are bad enough, now I have to learn how to take off a hauberk?
Clearly, I’d put on my robe and wizard hat.
Somebody call the locksmith!
Invite her back to my place for some jousting.
If it wasn’t the plan already, changing them to Medieval Times.
Fight her.
Oh… So I guess I can pass for a Wizard…