Dark beer in the summer heat?
I want to say that’s Tetris.
Here’s a clearer image:
So Geordi is blind and Wesley is shutting up. Can anyone think of a connection to Riker being deaf?
Crossposting now!
That’s impossible…
It sure is. Seems like something he might say unironically.
I’m going for gasps!
I’m sure it’s out there. I don’t have a 3d printer though, some I’m not sure which sites are legit to link to.
I’m pretty sure these are just your average British cars.
This is a beautiful setup
This was the one that I saw a video about before I knew what UFO 50 was! I tried searching for Mortol on steam, to no results. Lol
What a creative idea for a platformer.
This is a really weird episode.
Yeah, I have been confused by some at first. However, that was also my experience playing games like this back in the day, so in a weird way it has added to the authenticity for me. Lol
If I can’t figure some of them out (looking at you, Barbuta), I’ll have to look up some stuff.
This should be done everywhere. No students who would have otherwise made the cut should be bumped off the list just because other students have connections. The application process should be blind and fair.
How else are you going to watch movies?
This had to be done, huh? Lol