Love that the entire internet, left, right, authoritarian, liberal, and everyone in-between came out to say “lol, get rekt, oligarch.” Nothing I’ve ever seen has been as unifying as this. Running for office under the banner of beheading CEOs might sincerely get you elected.
I think the powers that be underestimate our thirst for justice. This is the closest thing to justice for the rich we’ve seen in - maybe our lives?
I don’t want to live in a world of vigilante justice but this kind of thing is inevitable when the system fails us for as long as it has.
He’s not even an oligarch. He’s the oligarchs’ toadie.
If this reaches the real oligarchs, we might see some change—and backlash but backlash is inevitable if before real change.
“Running for office under the banner of beheading CEOs might sincerely get you elected.”
Found my quote of the year.
I couldn’t agree more, every Trump supporter I’ve seen or talked to is just gleeful about this. Liberal, Conservative, Progressive, Oldschool, it doesn’t matter, everyone in the 99% loves this. The day Brian Thompson was shot put a smile on the face of America.
It could be the one thing that heals the country.
That’s the one enemy everyone has in common. We need more like those.
What? The politics of right / liberal free market capitalism creates those! Did anyone read Marx and Piketty?
Everyone except the mods who keep tripping over themselves to blabber about how he was such a great man and should be respected for his hard work and stuff.
Ninja edit: wrong instance
I’ve spent 10 minutes searching and came up empty. Any links?
Never mind I got my instances mixed up.
Dude’s just a communist, and I mean that literally, trying to reconcile the world as it currently is with the way they want it to be. They blame the system, not the man. And there’s definitely an argument to be made there, but I’m too busy reveling
Except the CEOs would have you beheaded first.
Over 100 Americans have died from diabetes since this guy was shot. Where are the headlines for all of them? Does the fact that they were murdered by a system instead of an individual make their deaths less noteworthy?
I mean to be fair we’re all here clicking on this one to cheer at the guy. News organizations are going to run stories that get them clicks. While we may consider his death important and noteworthy, none of us are going to click and read an article about how Joe Random died from his heart failure or diabetes.
Maybe not, but we absolutely click on an article detailing just what the fuck e.g. the government is actually going to do about it.
More Americans die every year because of lack of access to medical care than from all of our wars combined.
No one is losing their minds. Most are quite satisfied with the news
Tell that to the police who decided they actually are going to try this time to find the killer. Tell that to the news juicing the story. They care and they will use your money to do something about it.
Good thing they are out of practice then /s
Then I advise you stop watching their bullshit news network and find other sources for news. Maybe more grassroots media.
Pretending people don’t watch or shouldn’t watch mainstream media doesn’t change what I said. Also, alot of presumptions to assume I don’t have good trustable news sources (not these guys for sure).
Point is, people watch it and they are being fed a juiced up story and worth recognizing that so that you can continue to operate on the same reality as everyone else. At least enough to not be surprised.
One death is a tragedy, 16m deaths is a statistic.
One ceo death is a targeted assassination. Multiple ceo deaths is a revolution.
16m deaths is a profit margin
Good job he died really innit, cos those medical bills would’ve been a bit pricey!
I’d be willing to bet his health package was mostly paid for as part of his compensation.
Repeat after me: healthcare should not be profit driven…
Insurance is just a bad model for healthcare.
I don’t have any problem with hospital workers being fairly compensated. They have difficult jobs, and doctors are highly skilled and have expensive student loans to pay off. But the cost of care in the US is astronomical compared to any other industrialized nation.
It’s a good reminder that the people who oppress us have names and addresses.
Today I decided to collect a small mountain of Facebook posts of people who had claims denied by United Healthcare prior to 2024. I’m not shocked but also I am.
Uhh, correct me if I’m wrong, but the total population of America is 335m. If 16m people are dying DAILY, your entire country will be dead by Christmas.
If a 20th of the population dropped dead overnight, I would like to think that any nation would panic.
They may mean tomorrow in the metaphorical sense. Like “the world of tomorrow” kind of sense.
It also could just be an arbitrary/hyperbole number, to show how little the lives of the many mater to the news in comparison to the ceo.
The post never said 16m will die daily. It just says tomorrow. The 16m is probably the number of customers this guy’s company has and denies coverage.
Even more specifically than that, it’s just telling you tomorrow that 16m with a preventable health issue will die, not when or how.
Not correcting you, just adding a little clarification for how i read it
Shit. Maybe I should stay home tomorrow if there’s going to be a purge.
It’s about 9k a day. That’s just all deaths. Medically treatable and avoidable deaths is 624 a day. According to the only numbers I can find, but it’s wonky, so I’ll grant you it may not be precise, but it’s probably a good ballpark number.
Even if it’s one person a day that dies without necessity of a preventable and treatable cause that universal healthcare would have fixed, that’s a lot of deaths. And it’s more than one CEO who likely thought very seriously about the question ‘‘is curing anyone a good business model?’’
Found the explanation:
Still slightly hyperbole, but somewhat grounded.
Not dead. Just whatever procedure, prescription, or test that was applied for was rejected.
It’s not hyperbole, it’s just wrong to say they died. 16 million denials is bad enough.
The wording of the meme definition isn’t fully correct, but the spirit of it is.
Nice, this was what I was expecting!
I don’t agree with the post, and I think stretching the stats beyond meaning is more harmful than helpful.
Now, if you were to frame this as 16m people NOT being treated for preventable illnesses that would likely be treated in most western countries, that is a damning statistic. It indicates that people are walking around ill/injured for no reason other than greed, draining hospital resources further. It also indicates a lack of quality in care, since those doctors that could be getting their reps in learning to administer specific drugs or procedures don’t get to because “insurance says no lol”.
The executive protection business will have an upswing.
Probably drone business too I bet
I fucking love this place, lol!
Imagine the brouhaha if it were musk or bezos. All the justice felt over this is just venting with no effect on IRL events. Matter of fact, his job will likely be filled sooner rather than later. This will be just a minor blip on the big screen of history
It at least has the effect of getting us to imagine if it were Musk or Bezos.
People really want to celebrate this as a class war victory, but it was probably just about money or personal drama.
Consider the effective sentiments being expressed, regardless of the true cause…
That’s what I’m saying - the sentiments are “Hooray for our side!” but more likely the guy’s estranged wife or a business rival hired the hit man.
The reason doesn’t matter all that much, although the CEOs wife says there were threats to him about lack of coverage so it’s very possible, the point is a parasite was exterminated.
Spot effing on.