No FLOSS loving Linux user is dead to me, not even the GNOME project team, and frankly I suspect it’s noobies and non-users pushing these memes lately.
Exactly, that or trolls & saboteurs
I’m never going to feel fully satisfied using an OS that has an official ‘pro’ version.
Oh come on at some point, every software project or foundation needs to cover their expenses somehow or else they enshittify or cease to exist/get acquired by a dangerous, moneyed conglomerate. It’s known as the going concern principle.
Out of all of the projects that I can think of in recent memory that started as big open source useful things, only VLC Media Player managed to avoid turning into garbage, and it’s because the lead developer is a saint.
You can avoid Ubuntu because they have a paid plan and that’s your prerogative, but imagine they got bought out by Apple or something.
I know a lot of people are fine with a paid plan, I’ve just seen what has happened to some projects like Fusion 360 where they slowly take away more and more features from the free version, slowly decrease support, and all new features go to the pro version. I would be surprised if this happens to ubuntu, but I don’t want to take that chance.
You’re acting like there isn’t another option. I could just go use Arch with KDE Plasma or something instead, or maybe Fedora which is at least somewhat separated from the ‘pro version’ (red hat)
Out of all of the projects that I can think of in recent memory that started as big open source useful things, only VLC Media Player managed to avoid turning into garbage, and it’s because the lead developer is a saint.
the Linux Kernel, Blender, Godot, Lemmy are some examples that come to mind, or maybe I’m just not understanding what you’re trying to say here
That’s fair!
Linux distros are just the new “101 flavors of Protestantism,” complete with radical zealots who believe you will go to Hell for choosing the wrong one.
But you will go to hell though
Does that mean Windows is Catholicism?
Perhaps. But if that’s the case, then I’m pretty sure that makes Mac OS Eastern Orthodox.
What oddball OS would be Ethiopian Orthodox?
TempleOS obviously
No love for Debian, yet again
As an old crusty Slackware user and UNIX admin, IDGAF what Linux distro people use; using any of them is a step in the right direction.
Couldn’t agree more! Hell, it doesn’t even have to be Linux. AIX on an LPAR? Cool. Irix on an old SGI workstation? You do you, man. MacOS and you use open source tools? Get it, man! Solaris on x86? You’re a sick fuck, but hey, it takes all types to make the world go round, you Larry Ellison supporting twat. Anyways, just use a unix variant, any of them.
What? No mention of the bastard child: Microsoft Azure (Mariner) Linux? You sick MS loving mutant!
Meh, I mean, Arch includes non-free software as well, so as a Trisquel user, you are all dead to me.
As an AmogOS user you seem a bit sus
I use Mint, by the way.
I just went full linux on my daily driver about a year ago after running a headless linux media server for a few years.
Can someone explain to me why Ubuntu is so terrible? Is it not difficult enough to use or something?
I’m going to preface this with saying whatever works for you.
It’s not really about difficulty for most people.
Canonical (the people who manage Ubuntu,) has made some unfortunate decisions.
First, and I feel this has always been true, they approach their users with the assumption that they are in fact idiots. Microsoft has the same design philosophy, and it makes things much harder than it needs to be. (Some people may be idiots, but if they want to wipe the entire drive, that’s their business, right?)
Secondly, Ubuntu tends snoop on you, and certain decisions by canonical raises alarms.
Finally, fuck snap.
Edit: if all you’ve used is Ubuntu, get yourself a moderately large usb stick and try a few others out. No need to remove Ubuntu to try a new flavor. Linux is like ice cream. Find your favorite and stab anyone who disagrees with you. I mean, Stan it. Yeah that’s it.
oh, and that time that Canonical put Amazon telemetry in the default search application.
oh, and how they just bundle up “bleeding edge” stuff from a year ago and ship it with it’s associated bugs.
It’s been a few years since I tried but it just really turned me off.
I’m sure there are as many reasons as there are people who dislike Ubuntu, but here’s a few:
- They injected internet ads into search
- To many outside of the community if they have any familiarity with Linux on a desktop, it’s with Ubuntu which kinda places it in a position to newcomers as being Linux itself rather than one particular flavor
- It is very opinionated about look and feel and usability: i.e. their custom launcher and Snaps
- It’s popular
- It has a reasonably large user base so there’s more opportunity for people to find things to nitpick over.
Overall it’s fine. I’ve used Ubuntu, Mint, Puppy, DSL, Arch (btw), Fedora, and Debian. I can do pretty much anything I need to on any of them. I’ve got my preferences about the correct balance between useability, upgrade schedule, and customizability.
They injected internet ads into search
They did? Like filesystem search? I don’t see that.
As ferret mentioned it was in the past, but they were prominent:
It was the application browser, and they rolled it back after the backlash.
Use whatever you like.
But don’t complain “Linux requires constant work” after it breaks in a couple of years, instead, be free to complain “Ubuntu requires constant work”.
Also, beware that it may be spying on you.
I think I have like 4 different distros near me at any given time now that I think about it. A Debian one for Minecraft and some other game servers, my windows PC, a Mac for music stuff, and my arch laptop, I guess the steam deck technically counts too. Even at work I use all three occasionally.
Pop_OS is what I may stick to. It’s fantastic.
Arch is nice, I use it on my laptop, but desktop / daily driver is Debian.
It’s so nice having a stable OS to fall back to on for those rare occasions where
I screw something up on my arch laptopmy arch laptop magically borks itself (How did that happen? Who could have done this?).
Long live Android!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)