Chester Bennington?
does Pepper Jack count?
Oh, Pepper Jack LOVES Fraggle Rock.
It’s a Gouda idea.
Meanwhile, Ignacio over there, aka Nacho:
What am I to you, chopped liver, güey? Cabrón…Martzu’s a good name.
Colby has entered the chat
Colby Briant the basketball player?
A wild LESTER appeared!
Works great as a last name until someone has triplets and names them after the three stooges.
Had to do a search. Never tried that particular type.
Stropshire Blue is pretty tough to find in the US but worth the effort. It’s like a strong cheddar with blue cheese veins.
Sorry 😂. The cheese is Red Leicester, the human is Lester. They are pronounced the same.
I had some Red Leicester once, but haven’t found it again. It had a flavor similar to strong sharp cheddar, and a soft/creamy texture between fresh cheddar and American cheese, but not as rubbery; more… Friable? Crumbly? It was good.
I’ll keep an eye out for Stropshire Blue.
My name’s Coby. Close enough. People call me Colby all the time.
I have a friend who named his kids Brie and Colby. He never had a 3rd kid, so I always wondered what other cheese names were out there.
Don’t think about cheese names. It’s nacho problem.
I don’t know who started to down vote this; Nacho is a name in south America as far as I am aware.
Ignacio = Nacho
Emma is just short for Emmental
“Manny” is short for manchego.
Hmm. Emmental is a good cheese.
Lets try with :
- raclette
- roquefort
- saint nectaire
- coulommier
- comté
- gruyère
I really want to meet a girl named raclette 😍
Raclette is the best one. It’s like Rachel but 75% Frencher
Naming your child Saint whatever is ambitious
St. Vincent was up to the challenge.
Edam could just be New Zealander for Adam
Keeping it together Brie?
Aren’t those cheeses named for people, and not the other way around?
Colby is named after a town in Wisconsin, which was named after a railroad station, which was named after Charles Colby. So, in a round about way, sort of yes.
Monterey Jack was named after a town in California and the guy who sold the cheese, David Jacks, so half yes. I’m not entirely sure the origins of Monterey, CA’s name so it could be like a three quarters yes.
“This is my daughter Brie and my son Shredded”.
I bet Shredded is a Gym rat
Splinter is the Rat.
Michelangelo is a party dude
Thank you for this, I lol’d
There was a whole family named after a cheese. The Munsters.
Regi is just short for Parmigiano Reggiano
And Gouda is short for Goudavid
The Munsters was done already.