This only works if the frog’s brain has been removed. Which sadly only makes it even more apt.
Furthermore, a frog placed into already boiling water will die immediately, not jump out
I wonder what nerd wrote this
Probably a herpetologist 🤷
I just started wondering about the linguistic link between herpetology and herpes and just learned a new word thanks to you
wikiblame it ;)
(yes, that exists)
It’s a metaphor my dude
It’s actually an apologue, but I know what you mean. Just thought I’d spread an interesting bit of knowledge I’d gained earlier today 🤷
Ughhh. I love you, tho.
Love you too, snoogums.
But your first link (!)
Apologues are fun though
Exactly this. First it was illegals, then it was legal temporary, now it’s bad genes.
You misspelled Klan.
But hey, it’s just a Trump rally, I do Nazi anything to worry about here
My bad. But they did replace the grand wizard with a grand wizzer.
And the problem is genetic, you say?