By a waiter with a tan suit.
By a waiter with a tan suit.
What if it came with Dijon mustard?
This is aimed at those people that think not voting or voting 3rd party is effective to “make Dems listen”. It is not. Voters have a say.
I like how you twist that to “party license”. If the people voters vote that way, that is the will of the people voters. Don’t like it? Vote. For Dems. (Though the GOP bear some responsibility being obstructionist pos.)
Abstaining or voting 3rd party to “make Dems listen” doesn’t work. If anyone thinks they can play Mexican Standoff, you can’t because the Dems have an out: the center voter. Every time they lose, they go to the center to find voters.
And remember they need all 3 of presidency, house of representatives, and senate to pass pretty much anything. If they don’t have all 3 they will go to the center to find voters. Some people call this rachet effect, but really they’re looking for voters. Want them to stop ‘racheting’? Then give them consistent and overwhelming victories.
People are becoming even more tech illiterate.
I just can’t see it. Just because they’re both bald?
Misogyny and hexbear go hand in hand? I’m shocked. Shocked!
Yeah I’d pull over and wait for the sander. Hopefully there’s one.
Any idea where this is?
Yeah this makes more sense.
Fan death. But maybe he’s not worried.
They need all 3 for more than 4 out of every 24 fucking years.
The Dems need all 3 of presidency, house of reps, and Senate to do anything. And they’ve only had that for 4 of the last 24 years. Or 6 of the last 32 years. Or 6 of the last 44 years. That’s why they keep going to the center to find voters, because they need all 3 and basically never get it. So how do you get them to go left? By giving them consistent and overwhelming victories.
You know that’s really a brilliant rebuttal.
Wrong (which I don’t necessarily agree with) does not mean a fallacy. A fallacy is incorrect logic pathway. You can make a wrong argument and that does not make it a fallacy.
That’s still not a fallacy.
What I’m thinking is double decker lets people who are going through the downtown (so cities not on the coast) to be out of the way.