There are only two kinds of books that are truly loved - those pristine and undamaged, and those which look like they’ve been through the apocalypse
You don’t memorize the page number, you just sort of remember where you are and find it
Ok Satan
I’m lawful evil. But I think they mixed up neutral evil and chaotic evil.
Me too, and this is the only alignment chart where I’m lawful and I don’t like it.
LE gang rise up!
I listen to audiobooks
Tear the page you’re on out and keep it in your pocket to look back to when you need to start again and you can find the page # on the torn out page. /S
Calm down, Satan
ebook is the only way to guarantee I can read the book. page material and gloss, layout, spacing, kerning, etc. can all combine in various ways to make me inexplicably unable to read or have a really hard time reading where I have to focus really hard on each letter rather than each sentence. Oled has made is possible for me to read large bodies of text on phones but for full books I always go for the eink.
Interesting, was it always that way for you? I feel like for me with books printed on paper I’m actually a lot less picky but for e-readers (or any text on a screen really) the kerning, text size, etc. matters a lot more. The impact is definitely more pronounced for regular screens than e-ink though. Text size I find has the biggest impact on readability on screens for me in general.
the main reason the ereader works for me is the ability to override pretty much every aspect of the text. I can do most non glossy paper and text but some books and especially textbooks are a real bitch and everyone thought I was just making shit up when I was in school. text size is usually ok but I tend to make it bigger so I dont need glasses
I use the dust jacket flap.
Guess I’m chaotic good. Library gives a receipt for checked out books and even puts it in the book, so I just use that.
I leave the whatever it is in the book at the end. Not in library books, mind you. Don’t like making more work for librarians. I started the habit when I found a baggage claim ticket in a book I bought at a used bookstore. I leave them in when I pass them on to the next owner.
I’ve found a few ersatz bookmarks over the years. The best so far was a 6 of clubs. The worst was a used q-tip.
I’m consistently in the middle of many, many books. I use dollar bills so I get a reward for actually finishing.
I read books to read what’s inside them, not to save them forever as objects. So chaotic evil it is. Unless there is a receipt handy.
I have used squares of toilet paper in the past. But if I own the book, I’m as like to use the dog ear as I am to find a piece of scrap paper
Burning the page you just finished reading so you can read the next page, while standing there in a dark labyrinth
where a minotaur is lurking.Chaotic good. I have bookmarks, I just forget to use them.
I have a very old book (published in 1794) that has leaves, spiders, some writing, as well as fire and water damage. Not worth anything in the condition it’s in, but it’s mine and I love it. I’ve always wanted to know why there were spiders in it, but I’m thankful it’s not bound in human leather.
Save for a few I bought second hand, and the first book I ever owned (I managed to have it signed by the author 20 years later) the rest of my books look like they are fresh off a bookstore shelf.
I’m pretty sure the story of the book spiders began with: “a spider walked onto the page.”
It’s a book of psalms and prayers. The idea of someone asking what passage they should read and being answered with “The spider bookmarked one” brings me joy.
Small post-it notes
That way when I get distracted by another book, I can leave the mark right there. Considering I’m always “in the middle of” at least five books, this is the best solution I’ve found.
Book Darts are the way. The only way. (That’s a “sentence pointer” made out of copper. It’s archival quality, so it won’t damage your book, even if you leave it there for a very long time.)
And then there is Billy Boyd’s method, which is so evil it is off the chart.
Chaotic war-crime: dog-ear where you make the fold exactly big enough so it points to the line you left off on.
Yes I did this sometimes as a kid and I still feel bad for the librarians who had to see the devastation I wrought.
Lmao imagining kid you opening the book to see the page pointed at “see,” only to have to reread the page anyway because you lost track of what a character was seeing