Stuart is a mouse
Only in the movies. In the book, he’s just a very malformed human child.
Stuart is a mouse
Only in the movies. In the book, he’s just a very malformed human child.
Leading up to the election? Very reasonable. The Democrats are frauds, but they’re not as bad for the left as Republicans. It’s in our best interest to big tent with them for damage mitigation, to prevent the fascists from gaining power. Criticism, however deserved, helps the fascists.
After the election? Have at 'em. They’re not as terrible as the Republicans, but they’re awful nonetheless.
The derivatives market is out of control. The global annual GDP, actual goods and services produced, is something like $100 trillion. The derivatives market is something like 7 times that.
About 80% of the global economy is just gambling on what the other 20% will do.
TinkerCAD basically works by generating objects and object-shaped holes that you can merge to create the final design. If you had designed the ocarina from scratch in TinkerCAD, you could move the object-shaped holes around before merging.
Since you’re importing the model, TinkerCAD treats it as one pre built shape. The best you can do is generate new objects to fill the holes, and generate new holes that you can put where you want. However, since this is a musical instrument, moving the holes can change the effect they have on pitch.
I found at least one ocarina model designed to be played with one hand, with appropriate hole placement. I’d recommend starting with that, rather than moving the holes yourself. Unless of course you know enough about ocarina design to keep the thing tuned properly, in which case just fill the holes and generate new ones.
Seems more likely that it’s a preemptive guard against the retribution Trump has been loudly promising. When the next president vows to enact revenge on his political enemies, and your son has been branded a political enemy, you do what you can to try to prevent relatively minor offenses from becoming something more theatrical.
Presumably you have a printer? I’m quite certain you can find a working ocarina on thingiverse. From that point I’d wager most of your sound quality is going to come from your printer settings, smoother is better.
If you’re getting into 3d printing I’d suggest at least a little practice with modeling, and this seems like an excellent opportunity.
Find an ocarina model if you don’t have one (I recommend searching Thingiverse, I’m sure you can find a dozen functional models). It sounds like you’re trying to finger each one with one hand so you can play both together, so you’ll want a model designed to be fingered with one hand.
Pint it out a couple times tweaking the settings until the sound is acceptable. Then, import that model into TinkerCAD, it’s a very beginner-friendly browser-based modeling application.
Duplicate the model, mirror it, and then rotate and move it until they’re arranged as if you were holding one in each hand separately with the fipples in your mouth with some gap between the bodies. Then, create two symmetrical block shaped “holes” just barely cutting into each fipple. Merge each hole with its corresponding object, cutting out two small pieces, which should allow you to slide the models together until the fipples touch along that slice. Merge the objects, print and test.
I wonder if this story, true or not, is related to the fact that peeling Scotch tape can produce x-rays.
Yeah that seems very doable
Could also mean two separate ocarinas connected only at the mouthpiece, like with a double flute. If you’re starting with an existing ocarina 3d model, this should actually be pretty trivial.
Friendships are fine, I don’t know why someone would discourage friendships at work. Relationships aren’t really advisable because a nasty breakup can cause unnecessary problems at work.
America is a nation of immigrants, from everywhere. In most countries, most people can trace the majority of their heritage to the region they were born in, back for hundreds of years.
I’m an American, I have one grandparent who I can trace back to the colonies. The other three lead to different countries within 150 years. Both of my paternal grandparents were immigrants, my wife is an immigrant. This isn’t uncommon at all in America, and the “heritage fetishism” just strikes me as an acknowledgement of this. People want to learn about their roots.
The Irish stuff specifically is a bit weird though.
In a thread about a strictly American thing, in America. Like I said different regions have different conditions. Universal statements are not viable.
The article is about America. This is a specifically American phenomenon. If you’re not talking about the States, your points aren’t relevant to the topic.
It’s not a gotcha, it’s analysis. I’m not making a point about whether or not tipping should be integral to the American restaurant industry. I’m only saying that without legislation, it will be. Up until that point, businesses that try to switch to tipless will either revert or fail.
No it is not but it is the geographic market we’re talking about, one of those fundamental factors of the trade space. It’s like telling someone in Arizona that they don’t need A/C because people in Alaska chug along just fine without A/C. The conditions of one region do not translate to all regions.
The USA restaurant industry is built on the expectation of tips. Restaurants that try to change, change back because raising menu prices alienates customers (even though it shouldn’t, this is what the research shows). If tipless restaurants are going to be broadly viable, tips must be eliminated across the board, which can only happen through legislation. Because, again, restaurants that switch voluntarily lose business to the restaurants that retain tipping.
Then the vast majority of restaurants are not viable. Again, your business analysis is not viable. An opinion that ignores fundamental aspects of the trade space isn’t worth the cost to light the pixels to display it.
You are combining the two distinct possibilities I referenced as consequences for a restaurant that stops accepting tips:
Raise menu prices, lose business to competitors
Do not raise prices, fail by not covering expenses
Either way, it’s not sustainable to voluntarily go tipless, which is why those who tried, revert. You’re the one that said that made them unviable. Did you mean to say something else?
I don’t think you understand the competitive pressure of every other restaurant not raising their menu prices 20% alongside you. Do you think that a business isn’t viable if they can’t absorb a 20% labor increase without raising prices?
I suspect you are not a reliable or competent business analyst.
Is this draining the swamp?
As a biological male, I have never had a gynecological exam. Does the doctor typically not wear a mask? Gynos, not to be weird, but do y’all sneak a whiff to aid diagnosis? I can definitely pick up on variations in the way my wife smells, I know at least some are health related. Do you use ambient smell to help diagnose, or is it totally superfluous? Do you typically wear masks?
I can eyeball the smallest available Tupperware that will fit the leftovers, every time.