Pink and I would dedicate the rest of my life to making Elon Musk shit himself literally every time a camera is pointed at him.
Yeah. I got the magenta one years ago. I’ve been making Trump drop a fucking load on camera for awhile now.
just Elon? What about Nigel Farage? pls?
Gold made me think of this forgotten greentext.
What? Where I live pissing directly into watter is like the opposite. As my roommate once said: “Didn’t your father taught you how to piss or what?”
Real men piss the shitstains off the bowl without making a mess.
You read the greentext. Your roommate probably just didn’t want to be horny anymore.
Why would anyone choose anything but the magenta one?
Because you have the soul of a puppy and you can’t imagine harming another?
Screw that! I wanna make boom boom in others pants!
I’d take blue maybe, I could use a friend 🥲
If blue is not already the case (I would question how they became your crush) that seems like a good option. Otherwise pink is the only useful one.
Assuming I could force somebody to poop on command with little effort beyond sheer willpower, I would absolutely take it upon myself to dish out petty justice with that power.
I see you being rude to people working in a service job? You get poopy pants.
I see you playing music on your phone or otherwise being obnoxious on the bus or some other public space? You get poopy pants.
Are you driving like an asshole? Following too closely? Cutting people off? Honking the moment the light turns green? Words can’t express the satisfaction I will feel in knowing that you’re now sitting in your car with the poopiest of pants my power could possibly muster.
Okay, but at all times there is a mass of constipated people surrounding you, lining up in a queue in front of your home, begging you to relieve them! And obvioysly many havent really thought about where to go about it if you help them…
Pink all the way. Rude to some service worker? Poopy pants. Didn’t return the cart? Poop. Drive like an asshole? Poop. Politician spewing hateful garbage on national television? Oh you bet you’re getting the poopy pants.
I would be The Punisher, only with poop instead of guns.
Poop Note
The Poo-nisher. 💀💩
I hope you’re on your very own watch list :S
I like that it’s “Forced”. If it was just “make people shit themselves”, it would just happen and then they’d wonder what’s going on But Forced implies they’re fighting it, it implies resistance. That’s kinda messed up.
Well, I just made up my mind.
I hope you have to point at the person for it to work, so they know it’s you.
Do they have to have poop in them or does it spawn some inside them? That’s necessary information.
Spawns inside of them. Makes them shit even more and harder tbh
Jeez. All you mean people.
I’d take the pink pill and help people with intestinal blockages and stuff.
There’s not a few people you’d want to shit themselves to death? Not even Putin?
Do I want to commit murder? No.
How about protect your friends and family from a predator?
I’m not going to play this game. It’s the same game people play with me when I say I don’t want to own a gun.
I have never been in such a situation, so I have no idea what I would do. As it is, my large, mean dog would make it unlikely.
Just accept that not everyone shares your violent fantasies.
okay but what if it was a gun that made people have to poop
the pink one, thenbevery oligarch will never stop shitting.
Force people to poop on command - I’d have xin jinping on speed dial
I would give this pill to a million Chinese and Russian dissidents.
Xi and Putin would just be constantly shitting. There would be no moment in any day for as long as they lived that they weren’t shitting.
Each billionaire poops every 30 minutes. No rest for the wicked. Can be cured by donating the fortune to some common causes.
Unfortunately Elon musk can still shit post to TWITTER from the shitter.
Err, dissidents are the folks resisting the regime…
People with chronic constipation constantly bothering the guy who took the pink pill.
old neighbor recently had surgery because his poop reached his throat
He should have gone into politics instead
Oh sure, “his” poop
Choose One?
That question mark ❓ suggests the option I could take them all instead if I wanted…
I’d take all but the blue one. Once my powers become known, my crush would love me! Together we’d run my campaign for mayor. I’d win on the promise that the browns will win the superbowl. Yes, I’m making a fecies joke about the BROWNS wining the SUPERBOWL.
I just gotta make the other team shit their pants at the right times.
Definitely pink, I would be the most powerful man on Earth.