Three separate places I went to at 8 in the morning. Gas station, dunkin’ donuts, and then a convenience store. All of them, trash is full. People wonder why they litter in the USA, there’s nowhere to throw away trash when you’re out. It’s unbelievable People can just go to work and choose not to do their job anymore. That people see this and they don’t have any problem with it, no interest at all to keep things neat and tidy and clean. Nope.
In Japan it’s almost impossible to find a trash can on the streets and yet people don’t litter. The problem is the culture centered around consumerism and waste.
With respect to Japan, there’s definitely a culture difference, but I don’t think it’s the consumerism/waste culture. There’s so much excess packaging in Japanese food products.
I might be wrong, but I assume that the food packaging is a necessity because of the extreme humidity, otherwise it will spoil very fast.
Packaging is fine, but it’s multiple layers sometimes. I feel it’s more for presentation than function.
Yeah, but do they wolf down a half pound of meat plus fried potatoes and a half gallon of sugar water four times a day in Japan?
Plenty of consumerism and waste in Japan. For trash, it’s socially acceptable to ask a store to use their trash can.
Get what you pay for. The minimum wage is still 7.25 federally. I can’t believe employers just choose not to pay livable wages.
Lose me with this “nobody wants to work anymore” bullshit. Nobody wants to pay anymore.
It’s another true half statement the middle management refuses to complete. “Nobody wants to work anymore for the wages offered for these types of jobs”. Same old story as middle management accepting “the customer is always right” (and entitling shitty customers) without finishing it with “in terms of market trends”
Don’t worry, you’ll soon get massive tax cuts for companies and their executives, while basic goods get 25%-35% pricier for the worker class due to the tariffs since the orange potato has to fun those tax cuts somehow.
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Or, hear me out… carry it until you find one with room? If finding full trash cans “forces” you to litter, that says more about you being an entitled piece of shit than it does about anything else.
“I couldn’t find a single vacant public toilet, so I did what any sensible person would do and took a shit in the middle of the sidewalk.” —OP, analogously
OP didn’t say he littered. But of course we always assume the worst around here.
Yeah! Fuck you OP!
I feel like the solution to having some trash while the trash can is full, is to…just carry it with you till you find an empty one?
This post gives me “people don’t want to work anymore” vibes.
Another way to look at it is, people don’t want to pay people to work anymore. Either the pay is such shit that the employees have no incentive to give a crap, or the employer doesn’t hire enough people to get the work done.
Meanwhile in Japan public trash cans are extremely rare and people are expected to bring their trash home and throw it away there. And they do. We are just a spoiled society.
To be fair, I work at a job where I need to empty trash cans and I can honestly say I don’t get paid enough to haul y’alls shit off to the dumpster. Y’all put dumb shit in there that you shouldn’t be putting in there. It’s at the point where I take my trash home with me.
When the convenience store only has one employee, even often during peak times, that has to run the register, stock shelves, clean, and take out the trash, in that priority order, is it any wonder that the lower priority tasks just don’t get done at all?
Bro I remember in Japan there were almost no trash cans anywhere. We fuckin lucky here
All you need is a can return policy and some homeless.
They don’t even have that, they just have seperate bins for cans and bottles and people use them, and the only public places to throw away trash are in convenience stores. Which tbf exist like every 400m.
There are exceptions but generally people just keep the city clean because they want to (and social pressure).
Bottle/can deposit system can do a lot to make bins less full though. Japan just doesn’t seem to need it.
I distinctly remember a few scenarios where I heard they do. Maybe it’s not can return policy but as scrap metal. This article mentions it, too.
It’s a societal problem.
If you treat people like trash, don’t be surprised if they turn out to be garbage.
Just dump the can out on the ground and put your own trash in. Now you don’t have to litter!
Maybe you should try to do the job of the trash collectors for a week and see if it’s really honest to say “Its unbelievable people go to work and choose not to do their job anymore”.
Most jobs have lunatics in leadership positions who think people can survive on exposure or gift cards or a minimum wage that cannot afford 3 healthy meals a day.
“Unskilled Labour” is a lie told by business people to swindle money from hardworking people. Most of the rich people on the planet are scoundrels.
People should take their trash home. It’s great for awareness.
Same in the UK :-(