Killing in the name of
This was my pick too. Might start a revolution.
Wake Up - RATM
People need to get really fucking angry and start causing serious trouble for those that are burning our home and hurting our friends.
Only moron and genius
Would fight a losing battle
Against the super ego
When giving in is so damn comforting
And so we go, on with our lives
We know the truth, but prefer lies
Lies are simple, simple is bliss
Why go against tradition when we can?
Admit defeat, live in decline24 years later, I still get chills every time I listen to this song.
Same emotions?
On a good day by Above and Beyond.
I first heard it at a rave, rolling on ecstacy, going through pretty bad depression. It was during their “Group Therapy” set. I felt so connected to everyone around me. So peaceful. So understood. I cared and loved everyone around me and I felt the same in return. Sure, I was high. But it was a moment a decade ago that I can still remember vividly, and a point where I started taking my mental health seriously and started to deal with it and finally start to feel good about myself.
Happy Birthday, if I’ve gotta sit there quietly and feel awkward, so do all of you
I’m noticing a distinct lack of people saying Rick Astly - Never Gonna Give You Up
The emotion: mild amusement
Megadeth, Symphony of Destruction
deleted by creator
Enigma - Principles of Lust
No time for fighting when we’re all busy fucking to new age 90’s sex anthems
One Day - Matisyahu by The Dave Matthews Band.
It’s about hope. And sometimes that’s all we have, so… don’t burn the day.
Hiromi Uehara - Deep into the night
…because I think everyone need to chill the fuck down.
If that doesn’t work, I’ll go with Dimmu Borgir - Kings of the Carnival Creation so everyone can fuck the chill up instead.
Props for the Hiromi recommendation, though I’d personally choose Seeker from the Alive album.
Ren : Hi Ren
I hope you are well friend!
Not at all. Never really have been though and it’s been 43 years so at least I’m used to it.
Thank you. Surprisingly unvulgar and not at all cynical
43 rotations here as well. I think it’s really hard to see any joy when we have grown up in a world that only seems to constantly take our happiness away at every turn.
I find solace in knowing this is all temporary and thankfully, the world will go on without us. Whether that’s us as individuals or are species as a whole.
Until either of those inevitable points though, know that to some small degree you are not alone and there’s at least one random stranger on the internet who is thinking about you in a caring way today.
Sit on my face by Monty Python
Same emotion?
The Dripping Tap by KGaTLW
Don’t slip!
The dripping tap won’t be turned off by the suits in charge of the world, and our future’s hanging on by a thread