Turns out, the fucking moron can do anything. The cult members don’t care, and neither do the swing-voters, apparently. 2/3s of the country is just fine with a fascist moron. Ignore any blubbering from that 2/3s to the contrary as consequences come to roost.
Approximately 195 million adult Americans didn’t vote for Donald.
Approximately 75 million people voted for this asshole.
That’s not ⅔ of the country.
But it was enough people according to the rules of the game.
Not voting is standing by as fascism comes into power. They’re just fine with it.
Trump is an excellent entertainer. Even his enemies share video of his amusing antics.
Trump is to entertainment is what clown is to the circus. The DNC harbors some of the most talented actors of our time. Their refusal to tap that resource or maybe holloywoods refusal to get involved is obnoxious.
Trump just made the right populist noises and voters elected him over whoever the Democratic Neoliberal Committee decided to stand up this time.
Brilliant strategy. I couldn’t imagine how the poor neglected DNC with no influence or resources could ever stand up to that.
Oh no! We lost and democracy’s in danger, hurry and donate to our fundraising drive!
We had 8 years to deal with trump if we just give and fight maybe he will die at the ripe age of 85 and the problem will solve itself, right?
Trump will go down in history as the greatest con artist that ever lived.
Or the most ruthless dictator this side of the 21st century. You decide.
He heard about that Hawk Tuah girl getting famous and he figured he’d give it a shot and spit on that thang himself.
Downvoted for referring to Trump as a “genius”. Being so bigoted and authoritarian that 2024 Americans are confused by it isn’t an act of “genius”, it’s the rantings of a madman paired with an electorate with dog turds for brains.
Blame the failed education system, the media for sanewashing this fuckbag for a decade, and the DNC for thinking that abandoning their base to suck GOP dick was a winning strategy.
Ya know what? Compared to the dumbfuck strategy of the DNC, perhaps he is a genius!
Yup. The people who supported him are just so fucking stupid, right? They are so fucking dumb that they were tricked. They didn’t have any personal reasons for voting for him. Just stupid idiot uneducated neanderthal brains that were tricked! They are so God damn fucking stupid!!
personal reasons for voting for him
Like what? What were yours?
Taught about Watergate and Deep Throat in 2016 but then stayed at a Holiday Inn one night.
I love and hate this gif because it illistrates so clearly what the problem is but our entire political system cannot begin to address it. Trump can sit there and fellatiate a microphone because our norms say there is nothing wrong with it. Our politics say, that is one of the most egregious acts someone can display in a political setting and it will surely result in a loss of support. One of these two things is wrong.
Overall turnout was low. I blame crappy Democrat candidates
I blame stupid fucking Americans.
They chose facism over a candidate they weren’t enthusiastic about.
Let America burn. It deserves it.
It’s not Americans fault they were given two crappy candidates for three consecutive elections 🤷 Most of us just stayed home
Viewing politics as a spectator sport is certainly the fault of a misinformed, unenlightened electorate. The crappy candidates continue to pop up because that’s the best our corporate trash parties can do with political couch potatoes that are less interested in whether or not their neighbors suffer and die than about which walking cosmetic surgery mishap was a bitch at brunch, or which bimbo was chosen on the bachelor.
Trump himself is even a product of this couch potato culture and was well known before running for office for being the biggest, baddest boss of them all in a reality TV game show full of complete idiots pretending to run companies in front of cameras for the prize of a fictional job at a scam corporation.
The DNC cannot win. They are the space shuttle and we are wanting to go to mars.