I know this sounds made up, but it isn’t. I had to talk down a family member who accused Democrats of supporting “after birth abortions”. My response:
“No X, that’s called Infanticide. It’s illegal in all 50 states.”
Don’t know if he still believes it, but I encouraged him to look it up online and he later conceded.
Yeah that’s straight up murder, anyone feeding people these lies is laughing at anyone who believes this
Yeah, us democrats actually just want to eat that dog in the meme. /s
No no that’s the immigrants, Democrats eat babies for their adrenochrome or something like that
I say we make it legal to abort babies up to 120 months after birth. If you make it to double digits you’re safe!
Wrong format for this meme but I will allow it.
Should be something like.
It’s funny that the same assholes yelling about post-birth abortion are the same assholes that want “death sentences for everyone” when asked about some crimes. And doesn’t care about killing kids “if done right” (by death sentence or by police brutality).
Why not? The Netherlands allow abortion up to the 22nd week of pregnancy, which is a good compromise in my opinion
Im from Germany where abortion is only possible until the 12th week, at which point many women don’t even know they are pregnant yet.
Edit: I’m an idiot and skipped the “after birth” part while reading
The USA sometimes aborts people over 30 too though.
I couldn’t read this message because I am a Haitian immigrant in Ohio, and that puppy looks fucking delicious. /s
Six months?! Kamala just performed an abortion on a 938 month old baby on live TV!
Wake up, sheeple! This is real!
Yeah, but like what if they did? Pretty fucked up. If they did, you know. Depraved bastards. Hypothetically.