That’s why my coffee shop hands out Gabriel’s Horn shaped cups. Bottomless, but finite volume. What a scam.
I prefer my coffee in a Klein bottle. I only drink ∞ a day
Do you want small, moebius or large?
Again my warning: THIS IS NOT A GOOD DRINKING GLASS! It’s difficult to get liquids in. Difficult to get liquids out. It’s difficult to clean. (it’s also difficult to make, if that’s any consolation. ) Please treat it as a mathematical curiousity rather than a practical cup.
I zeno problem with his paradox.
But there are infinities which are larger and smaller than other infinities.
-infinity is smaller than +infinity for the most simple example.
To add to what Kabi said, IIRC only when you’re speaking in set or groups do the infinities become “larger” (simplified and not 100% accurate). I.E. infinity of regular numbers vs infinity containing all the variations of positive integers added. The latter would be “larger” cause it contains multiple infinities or “sets” of infinities and is infinite within itself. This video helps explain probably better
I assume that mean Infinity Light or Infinity Heavy, like ruler measurements.
The symbol of infinite is a stand in for a constraint, or an idea. That’s not the same thing as the real world expression or experience of that idea.