This is like when you get the right answer using the wrong formula
Sometimes even a calculator can be a clock.
RFK makes a lot of good points when it comes to some of his policies. He just sprinkles in being batshit insane takes and takes them just as seriously.
He’s a weird mix of “cannot be allowed near the job” and great ideas.
Well, two. This and getting the stigma off of psychedelics.
Nothing’s worth having an anti-vaxxer in charge, though. Not even close.
You forgot his third one, he supports stem cell research, which is odd given that his new buddies don’t approve of creating new sources of stem cells (aborted fetal tissue).
This idea has been around longer than RFK Jr. has been relevant in politics. These ads are illegal in most of the civilized world.
The more I read about him, the more my opinion solidifies that his position is simply: be against all of mainstream medicine.
The U.S. and New Zealand are the only countries that allow direct-to-consumer prescription drug advertisements. In the U.S., television viewers are subjected to an especially increasing volume of drug commercials. In 1996, $550 million was spent by pharmaceutical companies on drugs ads. That number increased more than 10-fold by 2020, reaching $6.58 billion annually.
Heh, he’s crazy as all get-out, but I agree with getting drug ads away from the uneducated public. If an ad has to have “ask your doctor about”, it shouldn’t exist anywhere, not just TV.
He just wants this one to de-educate people on the existence of drugs in general, but honestly, if you need to see a doctor to talk about them/get them, they don’t need advertising in the first place. It does open up a bigger discussion on knowledge about the availability of pharmaceutical treatments, though, since some people probably ask their doctors about symptom treatment based on ads. It’s purely reactive and the wrong way to take care of your health, but, I won’t ignore the obviously systematic issues with access to affordable healthcare for proactive care, vs. “make this hurting stop” care.
In Canada, they aren’t allowed to tell you what a drug does in the ad, but they still have them. They try to hint at what they do, or just give you a vibe for it.
The classic example is the original series of Viagra ads.
This is a good thing. His motivation may be more sinister. It could create a situation where non medical treatments can be advertised without restriction and genuine medicines can’t. It needs to be applied to all treatments, even unregulated ones.
There will be exceptions. Anything endorsed by Dr Oz will be allowed. Anything endorsed by Trump will be allowed.
Ban anything with FDA approval.
As a Canadian it’s very weird to me that it’s allowed in the USA.
Ads, yes. Class action legal ads for pharmasutical side effects/injury can stay. Do your testing ya smucks.
I am hoping he bans combustion cars from dense urban area.
That’s just insane enough that he might actually try it
I guess the worm didn’t eat all of it.
Read what a lot of you are saying in this thread about “rare W” and the like and thought of this poignant saying…
“You can’t only piss in one PART of the pool”
You won’t get just the one thing you want from RFK jt, you’ll get it all - Stop taking the bait, dipshits. This is the candy he’s trying to give you while sliding down your pants with the other hand and slathering coconut oil on your b-hole.
Trump won, so the US will get a pissed pool no matter what.
To say “rare w” isn’t to deny that, it’s acknowledging that even though the pool is absolutely disgusting with 80% piss, at least that’ll help some people with skin conditions.
I get the general idea, but that’s not the point - you need to always deliver the sugar with the sour around these fucking people. Their tactic is repeating a lie constantly. When you’re constantly just saying, “I actually love this” and nothing else, you’re doing work for the bad guys.
You can’t show just the outside beauty shot of the cupcake, you always have to cut it open to show clearly that the center is stuffed with warm, wet dog shit
Drug ads are the only thing keeping cable TV floating
Two birds with one stone! While I understand there are people who still have cable and a large portion are elderly who are less comfortable with technology …. This just needs to end. Cable TV companies are one of the most exploitive, customer abusing companies there are. Their monopoly is gone (well, ISP monopoly is less than cable monopoly), so let’s just end them. Kick them while they’re down. Usher them into capitalist hell
Can medicine finally stop getting jingles?
Fuck you (drug you all wanna mention but I won’t give them the exposure here) and your randomly changing cast of dancers and main singer.
No more big story to tell got you.
So RFK2 with this and Trump trying to end DST.
If they can stay on the fringe of everything like that then maaaaybe it won’t be so bad? But they can’t.
The fact that these pharmaceutical companies can afford to license the songs that they’re riffing off of makes you wonder how many of your dollars are going to the actual production of the drugs you need to survive, and how many of those dollars are going into marketing
Every medical choice you make should be made between you and your doctor(s).
None should ever be made based on commercials. Ever.
Finally this loser advocates for something I don’t like.
This would be huge