Since the late 1990s, drug companies have spent tens of billions of dollars on television ads, drumming up demand for their products with cheerful jingles and scenes of dancing patients.
Read what a lot of you are saying in this thread about “rare W” and the like and thought of this poignant saying…
“You can’t only piss in one PART of the pool”
You won’t get just the one thing you want from RFK jt, you’ll get it all - Stop taking the bait, dipshits. This is the candy he’s trying to give you while sliding down your pants with the other hand and slathering coconut oil on your b-hole.
Trump won, so the US will get a pissed pool no matter what.
To say “rare w” isn’t to deny that, it’s acknowledging that even though the pool is absolutely disgusting with 80% piss, at least that’ll help some people with skin conditions.
I get the general idea, but that’s not the point - you need to always deliver the sugar with the sour around these fucking people. Their tactic is repeating a lie constantly. When you’re constantly just saying, “I actually love this” and nothing else, you’re doing work for the bad guys.
You can’t show just the outside beauty shot of the cupcake, you always have to cut it open to show clearly that the center is stuffed with warm, wet dog shit
Read what a lot of you are saying in this thread about “rare W” and the like and thought of this poignant saying…
“You can’t only piss in one PART of the pool”
You won’t get just the one thing you want from RFK jt, you’ll get it all - Stop taking the bait, dipshits. This is the candy he’s trying to give you while sliding down your pants with the other hand and slathering coconut oil on your b-hole.
Trump won, so the US will get a pissed pool no matter what.
To say “rare w” isn’t to deny that, it’s acknowledging that even though the pool is absolutely disgusting with 80% piss, at least that’ll help some people with skin conditions.
I get the general idea, but that’s not the point - you need to always deliver the sugar with the sour around these fucking people. Their tactic is repeating a lie constantly. When you’re constantly just saying, “I actually love this” and nothing else, you’re doing work for the bad guys.
You can’t show just the outside beauty shot of the cupcake, you always have to cut it open to show clearly that the center is stuffed with warm, wet dog shit