I’m not sure what other outcome this woman could reasonably have expected.
For real, especially if they were role playing up to that point. I know all the Wario stans would gladly take a hot glazing of Wum to the face but you gotta expect the waaaaaaaaaaah.
This sounds like one of those teen movies from the early 2000s.
This whole scenario could have been Stifler from American Pie. Dare you to tell me I’m wrong.
I’d rent that at the BlockBuster for ¢99.
You’re wrong
/slaps you with a steel gauntlet of enduring numbness +4
But… but… he dared you… How dare you!
Swords at midnight.
There can be only one.
RP verisimilitude > enjoyable sex
I don’t make the rules
I had to look that word up
sex noun 1. (chiefly with reference to people) sexual activity, including specifically sexual intercourse. “they enjoyed talking about sex”
Where did you find that definition? That wasn’t the definition I remembered so I looked it up too and I found what I thought it was but not what you found. Was that on urban dictionary?
I mean, how could you not
fake && gay
Just because of that? Was the rest of the sex also disappointing?
He wario’d to completion
Was anon’s spouse the Mario at the swinger party?
Nobody would get horny at that party.
Nerds know how to get down, bro.