Donald Trump plans to ban transgender individuals from military service shortly after his inauguration, reversing President Biden’s 2021 policy and expelling about 15,000 serving trans troops.
Critics, including advocacy groups and military experts, warn this move will exacerbate recruitment and retention challenges, harm unit cohesion, and create skill gaps amid existing shortfalls.
The order aligns with Trump’s broader anti-trans agenda, which includes banning gender-affirming care and restricting trans rights nationwide.
Legal challenges are anticipated as the military faces administrative and operational disruptions.
These people care way too much about others people’s genitalia.
This motherfucker wouldn’t know what it was to serve your country.
He knows exactly how to serve his country. On a platter.
Private Bone Spurs is the Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. military for a second time now.
And I guarantee you if you asked a lot of the older MAGA what they thought of Bill Clinton, “draft dodger” would come up eventually.
They would tell you that Clinton was a coward, but God Emperor Trump is just a smart man.
I got out in 2017 partially because I’m trans and Trump was coming into the oval office. He had made it clear that trans people would not be welcome in his military, and I wasn’t going to risk being discharged because of President Bone Spurs.
The military held him off last time, but I’m not as hopeful this time. And I just wanted to throw out there: I personally believe the GOP is going to use federal funding to essentially strip LGBTQ+ people of their rights and healthcare access. It’s going to be the Minimum Federal Drinking Age Act of 1984 again, where the fed is gonna say, “Sure, you can offer gender affirming care in your state… If you do, you won’t have access to XYZ federal funding anymore.”
And the states will let it happen.
I just don’t get it. Trans people can pull a trigger as well as anyone else. This is just hatred.
This is just hatred
Yes, this is indeed America.
Every 2 years since Reagan, we get a vote for either Greed(D), or Greed+Hatred®.
Greed+Hatred won this cycle. Not getting hatred as a result would be the confusing thing. A welcome confusing thing, but confusing nonetheless.
Hey! Let’s send over 10k of the people we trained how to use weapons professionally home in a clearly discriminatory manner instead of letting them keep their jobs. That will do wonders for political stability.
This is less to do with the perceived quality of trans troops and more to do with making sure that the the current target of the boot doesn’t know how to fight back.
Goodbye naval intelligence
Don’t forget that he is basically a Nazi
He needs to make them seem criminal and inhuman so he can use them as a distraction and scapegoat later, so he can get his fan base to attack them
It’s gonna be just like the “good” old days, where bigotry is both accepted and the norm.
I’m just waiting for them to change hate crime to act of morality, claiming it’s just upholding good Christian values.I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised. 🤮
If you know anyone who is currently in the military, tell them they need to get their disability rating ASAP.
It’s so strange how this same action could be attributed to him being an ally or even just a cuck.
“The trans community is a beacon of Hope that must be protected at all costs. Under no circumstances will I allow any trans person to fight or die for our country, as they are the ones our country should be protecting most.”
That’s exactly it! I knew I was pulling the idea from somewhere but couldn’t remember where. Of course it was the Onion.
Probably because the plan is to use the military to deport Trans people after he sates his thirst for deporting POC.
Whether it’s trans people, gay people, or whatever, this is always going to happen to some population if the government is aware. Maybe not today, maybe not for a couple decades, but eventually. All you can do is hope to outlive it happening.
In the future it’s going to be about your genetic data that people have been freely sharing.
15,000? Is that density of trans people comparable to the density outside the Army?