No, SHE didn’t.
Corporate News Fucked Up Again.
For some reason all the headlines about this seem to be about what the DNC or the Harris campaign should have done.
I don’t think it’s fair to just dump all the blame on corporate media. The news media landscape hasn’t meaningfully changed since Trump was first elected, but despite having 8 years to formulate a sound media strategy the DNC is still campaigning like it’s 2015.
Like, sure, the Democrats are running with a handicap in the current media landscape, but that isn’t new, and it’s the responsibility of the DNC to figure out how to overcome that disadvantage — a task that the current leadership has proven itself woefully incompetent at.
The news media landscape hasn’t meaningfully changed since Trump was first elected
I think that’s the heart of the issue. Yes, DNC should have figured out away around all corporate media outlets but that’s an enormous, unbelievable ask.
Yes, the DNC should be mobile, and memeable, and . . . fuck, I dunno - on 3.14chan or whatever, but at the end of the day they still have to rely on the fucking Today Show and NBC Nightly News and the motherfucking New York Times to carry their message without shitting on it - which they absolutely will. never. do.
The right has poured hundreds of billions into this since the mid-90s. The left has no fucking clue. Despite having all the academics and content creators telling them what to do. It’s time to put a fist in the face of corporate news. Sweet talking has gotten us a fascist dictator.
I mean… bernies doing it. Dude is like 80 and is absolutely idolised by the younger generation and regular middle and lower class people because he seems to actually practice what he preaches and is genuinely interested in what’s good for people. Most politicians to me just give the impression of seeking politics to enrich themselves and clasping onto power to avoid losing that even when their senile and completely incapable of fulfilling their role.
Bernie’s got an app?
This is what happens when you sell all of the major news outlets to billionaires - they publish pro billionaire propaganda
I’m doing my part by getting more news than I probably should from Lemmy.
For some reason all the headlines about this seem to be about what the DNC or the Harris campaign should have done.
You’re surprised people are blaming the candidate that lost and her campaign team that was paid millions of dollars and spent over a billion and still couldn’t beat trump?
What is the logic where the people whose literal job was to win the election, aren’t at fault for losing the election?
And I’m scared to even ask, but:
Since you think they’re blameless, does that mean you really want us to do the same shit in four years again and hope this time screaming at people will be effective?
Cuz buddy, it’s never been effective at anything besides letting some shitty republican into the Oval
Corporate news is not the guardrails of democracy. Ultimately, the people are responsible.
Ok, what does that actually mean when you apply the sound bite to reality? What are your specific expectations for “the people” as individuals?
Fucking up implies they didn’t get exactly what they wanted.
Fair. “Fucked Us Up Again”?
Poor soul thinks said corporate media somehow exists completely outside of the scope of the DNC as if the DNC itself isn’t just a convention for corporate donors to show up and throw in their demands in exchange for campaign funds and lobbying money.
I mean I’m sure the headline NYT article about Clinton having a 91% chance of winning was totally some next level corporate funded psyop and not a one of the many thousands of advertisements paid for by the DNC. /s
No, it’s totally the corporate media that’s after her and has absolutely nothing to do with the candidate that dropped the entire uncommitted movement worth of constituents for $100 mil in corporate AIPAC money. /s
Harris was running the campaign and funding the advertisements. Not the DNC.
In presidential elections, it supervises the national convention and, both independently and in coordination with the presidential candidate, raises funds, commissions polls, and coordinates campaign strategy.
Again there is just no possible way the DNC is financially related to the very candidate it is promoting. Obviously, the Wikipedia editors are wrong /s
Again there is just no possible way the DNC is financially related to the very candidate it is promoting.
Actually the Harris campaign gave money to the DNC (or some other fund) to help fund other candidates, not the other way around. That didn’t give the DNC the slightest bit of leverage over Harris. If anything it was the opposite. The suggestion that someone at the DNC ran the Harris campaign instead of Harris is ludicrous.
Is the DNC in the room with us?
WTF is with people on this site and the DNC?
Mostly the anger at having to pick a slightly less lethal poison election after election
The DNC went full mask off this year by not holding primaries. By campaining with the cheneys and pushing 10 year old GOP policies/talking points.
All they will learn from this is losing elections still lets you amass a “warchest” of one billion dollars
The last president – Obama – that the DNC really wasn’t at all involved with was still somehow not very progressive.
The DNC has equal “involvement” in every election, which is to hold primary elections so voters can choose a nominee. The nominees chosen by the voters all run their own campaigns.
Harris is not the DNC. The DNC is not a person. The DNC did not “campaign with they Cheneys”. The DNC did not “push 10 year old GOP politicies.” Nor did Harris, to my knowledge.
The only job of the DNC was to hold primaries. And they did that. Biden dropped out after the primaries were over.
All they will learn from this is losing elections still lets you amass a “warchest” of one billion dollars
The DNC’s only main job is to hold primaries. It’s not up to them to “learn” anything. They always go with the choice of the voters. The only people who can learn anything from this is the voters. The DNC is not a person. It is an fluid organization controlled by the primary voters.
lol. Slightly.
I’ll remember this thread when abortions are banned nationwide.
I remember when Obama said he would codify Roe v Wade if he got elected then did nothing.
The inaction of dems got us here
I seem to remember Dems spending all their political capital on the ACA.
You could argue they could have done more. But I’m responding to the comment above it and to suggest Dems are “slightly less lethal” is idiotic.
And that’s just abortion. Add in repealing the ACA and mass deportation, the comparison gets dummer and dummer.
You want the democrats to be the one and only bulwark against the republican party? To bad. In a democracy, everyone deserves to be at the table.
It wasn’t right before the democrats repeated failures, and it sure as hell ain’t right now.
“Stupid uninformed people didn’t vote.”
Oh really?
Can’t forget when I overheard someone say, “when was Biden is not running for president” as Trumps was announced he was president elect…
Democracy dies in ignorance
The ones that get their information from places like Fox, Threads, Facebook, Nextdoor, X, etc.
How can you not include X?
You’re right. I just don’t use it and deleted my account, so it wasn’t in my head. Added.
No shit.
Kamala Harris won if you only count people who were born on Tuesday.
Democrats, get the fuck off your ass and do away with First-past-the-post voting in the states you control and get the fuck out of the way. You had your chances. You blew it. It’s over.
The United States of America is more important then the Democratic Party.
lost voters who don’t follow politics.
This could imply that they started following politics and then decided not to vote democrat.
No…no it doesn’t imply that at all.
To be fair, inflation is better, but it’s also valid to question how it’s being calculated and if it really reflects how much money people can have at the end of the month.
What does this have to do with the subject of discussion?
Sounds like they are trying to shift blame, again. We knew exactly who she was and knew she can’t be trusted with our support.
Shifting blame by… checks notes… analyzing the demographics of voters.
How are they analyzing the demographics of non voters at exit polls when non voters wouldn’t be exiting the polls to be questioned?
Which non voters are you talking about? The article is about politically engaged voters and voters who don’t follow politics, both of which are voters.
How is reporting what PEOPLE filled out in exit polls, shifting blame? These are just facts.
You have to understand, the people who constantly attacked Harris before the election now have to figure out some way to make her just as bad as Trump, to excuse their own behavior. Is it disgusting? Yes. Is it reprehensible? Yes. Is it absolutely predictable as a means of trying to escape responsibility for the rancid shit hurricane that will be Trump Part 2? Yes.
Plenty of people voted for kamala and are huge critics of how the campaign was handled. Both can happen.
“Plenty” was not enough. The pre-election criticism looks like it worked exactly as intended.
How are you using exit polls to find out about why non-voters didn’t vote?
Did everyone say they were politically engaged as they were leaving a polling location?
Or are you using logic to determine everyone that just voted was politically engaged, and those who didn’t are politically disengaged?
Cuz like, yeah, obviously that’s true…
But what matters is why they’re politically disengaged and how we can get the to engage again.
A very very easy way, would be to make sure the next candidate agrees with Dem voters more than Republican voters.
“following politics” is not the same as “voter engagement”.
Someone that never pays attention but votes R every two years like clockwork for example.
They’d be “do not follow closely” on that, but if they 60 years old and voted R every election since they’re were 18…
How exactly are they “politically disengaged”?
They’re still voting, just not paying attention.
Like, there are loads of over things we’re going to have to clear up for you to understand, but getting that difference is step 1.
If you understand this mistake, we can probably move forward and cover other stuff. But if you don’t get this comment, nothing past it is going to be productive.
A lot of this is coming from the horrible headline that co flates the two, and is outright false.
So far trump has the most votes, he literally won with the politically engaged, because those are the people who voted.
And how are they polling these non-voters at exit polls if they did not vote? Odd dog. The story is blame shifting bullshit, what Democrats love doing whenever they can’t manage to run a decent candidate or election
We also knew exactly who Trump is. We have a very long history.
I particularly love stuff about him before he was in politics, like the Motley Fool podcast on how he duped public investors for his private company through pumping up real estate values. They went to his office, saw this weird array of gaudy decoration and oddly attractive employees, sat down with him, and saw through his lie. Then made the only short in their firm’s entire history… and it paid off.
There’s no excuse of bias. You can’t blame any politicians. It’s just him. And while not perfect by any means, you have to squint hard to see Kamala in the same light.
But one thing we should also know is that running a bad candidate who is better than the only other option isn’t enough to decisively beat even the worst possible Republican.
Voters should have all voted for Kamala even though they didn’t want her to be president due to her policies. That would have mitigated the damage.
They didn’t do it in 2016 either, and Biden only squeaked thru because Trump was actively in office and Bernie stayed till the end to pull Biden left. If either of those didn’t happen, the strategy would be 0 out of 3.
It’s clearly not an effective strategy compared to running a candidate who already agrees with Dem voters
So rather than stomp our feet and being mad at the people we need in 2028, maybe spend the next four years bringing them back into the fold and running a candidate that people actually want to win the election?
Like, we’ve tried stomping our feet for 8 years now since Hillary, do you think any of that has helped?
Because to me, it looks like all it accomplishes is increasing donations from people who want Dems to lose, and turning dlteliable Dem voters into non-votets.
Stop worrying about if you’re right.
Start worrying about what can win 2028, and if that will actually translate to fixing shit
Why is the default argument from liberals always ‘but Trump?’ Harris would have been a shit candidate not worthy of being elected regardless of who her opponent was.
Because she wouldn’t have been shit. Your argument is invalid.
Harris was going to raise taxes on billionaires and corporations. Why the fuck would you NOT vote for that?
And if she said that she was going to give everybody rainbows and lollipops you would believe that you were going to get a rainbow and lollipop.
False analogy. Clinton, Obama, and Biden – all 3 of the last Dem presidents – kept their promises to raise taxes on the wealthy and/or corporations.
Realty matters.
And gave them more loopholes to avoid those increases.
So, we should elect Donald Fucking Trump instead? Is that your conclusion?
Who said anything about electing Trump? The only people that say, but Trump are the liberals that think you’ve only got two options. There’s a lot of us that did not vote for top of the ticket and voted downline, top of the ticket was garbage, regardless of which fascist you decided to support
I can go ahead and call 2028 for you now.
It’s gonna be the Dem or Rep nominee.
It is binary. If you believe another outcome is likely, let’s bet money.
Kalama lost bc voters for who voting is a real burden didn’t show up to vote. They are poor and likely people of color. Fuck off with blaming people.
Hey I’ll likely be fine. Better off than the people you identified in your comment.
I’m a cis white male who makes ~$250k/yr.
The ones who sat at home are likely going to be much worse off.
At least it’s gonna be very hard to make the brain dead “both sides” argument over the next 4 years.
I’m a cis white male who makes ~$250k/yr.
opinion discarded
It’s just too much to expect lots of you to simply evaluate an idea on its merits.
See you in 2028 when the Dem or Rep wins again.
Why aren’t you working to replace First past the post voting in your state so there can be more then two options?
It’s binary because voters keep it that way
It literally doesnt though. Its because of how our votes are tallied, First Past the Post. If a third party ever reached viability, theyd just split the same half of voters with whichever large party theyre closer to
Sure. Agreed.
That doesn’t change the fact.
I made no claim about the mechanics of it. Only the outcome.
We have a voting system that mathematically devolves into a two party system. If you think voting third party will change anything the way the system is set up right now, you’re naive.
So… change the voting system? It’s not like it’s right before an election and there is no time…
There’s a lot of us that did not vote for top of the ticket and voted downline
No, the republicans won all three branches so that’s a lie.
I hope the democrats move hard right next election to target people who actually vote and don’t just sit it out.
I hope the democrats move hard right next election to target people who actually vote and don’t just sit it out.
Pretty much why y’all lost 2016 and 2024 but go off
If you want the Dems to move hard right then you are a Republican
Dems moved hard right this election and it cost them
knew she can’t be trusted with our support
Ah so you ARE a Trump supporter. Got it.
It’s an ML that doesn’t understand how elections work…or they are the CCP ops…one of the two.
Life must be so easy being binary and thinking, critique of one does not imply support of the other. Your party ran a piece of shit right-wing blue fascist who openly welcomed war criminals and you guys thought it was okay. We did not
party ran a piece of shit right-wing blue fascist
LMAO Just more projection from a MAGA Trump supporter
classic blue maga behavior - any structural critique must be met with tribal-style ad hom: “yeah well you probably just support kang instead of kodos.”
Critique was due in any other election year without an actual literal fascist on the Republican ticket.
bLuEMaGA screechers=Projections from Trump supporters
Thank you for the demonstration
Like I said, binary thinking
Hate to break it to you, but the US elections ARE binary for as long as FPTP is the voting system nationwide. You want real change? advocate for things like RCV. I wouldn’t even vote for the DNC IF RCV was nationwide and third-parties actually stood a chance, I’m just being realistic.
As things stand now, you’re just demanding a fantasy. A pursuit that will now have blood on its hands because now instead of a “not really a fascist, just not as left as id like” president we have a full throat legit fascist.
Now you have every decision that Trump makes on your conscious.
My conscience is clear, I voted for no evil.
My conscience is clear, I voted for no evil.
Neither did I vote for Donald Trainwreck. I voted D for democracy.
You realize it installing a candidate, forcing them on everybody without a choice is not democracy.
“Corporate wants you to find the difference between these two pictures”
Donald Trump
Third party candidates
“They’re literally the same thing!!”
Third-party candidates?
Oh, you mean the ones who have never won a presidential election in the entire modern history of the US and has become nothing but pawns for the 2 established parties to harm the other e.g. Jill Stein, Russian asset?
Those third-party candidates?
“A non-vote or vote for a third-party is a vote for Trump”
So congrats MAGAt, your guy won!
If you are so concerned with 3rd parties splitting the vote, then you should be equally upset with the first Past The Post voting system that most states use.
I hope you stop by my asklemmy post to further discuss your new commitment to passing electoral reform in your state.