After months of trying, I still can’t get Linux to recognize the 2.5Gbit network cards, or to function with multiple monitors. If the hardware support was better, I would ditch Windows for good instantly.
After months of trying, I still can’t get Linux to recognize the 2.5Gbit network cards, or to function with multiple monitors. If the hardware support was better, I would ditch Windows for good instantly.
Aye. Mini Wheats are actually, and surprisingly, one of the better cereals nutritionally.
Institutions will not save democracy. Democracy is accountable to only the people.
Republicans aren’t actually pro small government/freedom. That’s all just opposition rhetoric. When they are in power, it’s as much government in your face as possible.
Elect a clown, expect a circus.
Common guys, we’ve already been through this.
Simple solution: Try looking at the pictures of you through a mirror.
We are in uncharted territory here. There is no crystal ball for what comes next.
That being said, this is not sustainable. Society is a contract. The contract goes away when parties to that contract begin to disagree on what that contract says, and that is inevitable when people are fed garbage without results. Most empires have collapsed under their own weight. I suspect this will happen to the US as well, which has always been the purpose of all this disinformation: not to consolidate power into a dictator, but instead to sow division, and rip apart the social contract. The fact that Americans are so polarized is proof of that division. You ask if people will ever wake up. Clearly half the the US has.
The only question is how that collapse will happen, and how peacefully it might be.
Consumption tax for everyone! Unless you all want to go to work in a shoe factory.
I spent an unhealthy amount of time on Reddit. Getting bored of Lemmy is a feature, not a bug. Embrace it.
That institution is rotten to the core. No amount of this is going to fix it.
Sounds to me like you are not very well read on 1930’s German history.
Trump voters: “Trump is the most peaceful president ever. We need to bring the defence spending to Ukraine home. America first”.
Trump is elected and inevitably drags the US into yet another war in in the Middle East
Trump voters: Pikachu face
Nah. Just kidding about that last part. It was all just empty rhetoric to justify the grift and looting all the way down as the country burns to the ground in the background.
Keep telling yourself institutions are going to save democracy.
The ultimate responsibility of keeping a functioning democracy lies with the people. Complaining about failing institutions or parties is no more productive than armchair political activity.
Confront people about their choices and how they let this happen. Hold people accountable for all the election promises and obvious outcomes the new administration implements.
Not voting is an act of renouncing your voice and your rights. It’s not a protest. It’s at best complicity with the status quo, and at worst going to support a candidate that will be far far worse for the issues you are “protesting”. You don’t get to complain when you don’t vote. All you get to do is sit down, shut up, and continue your inaction.
Listening to others, empathizing and earning their trust, and then being insistent about facts is the only proven remedy to any kind of tribalism. Doesn’t matter what tribe.
The big irony here is this is a very simplistic take on a potentially complex topic.
Globalisation marches on, swallowing languages and cultures. Conservatism is necessary to preserve diversity long term.
To be clear, I am not trying to insinuate there are not many things completely and absolutely abhorrent by modern day conservatism.
Missed opportunity to fine Google $1 googol.
A lot of comments here suggest people didn’t read the article. It’s pretty clear he intends to increase tarifs, and that would substitute income tax. Hey even MAGAS as demented as trump still gotta fund that war machine somehow.
As for how effective it could be? Well it’s at least interesting, as it will effectively be a 75% consumption tax on manufactured goods as a replacement. This would probably reduce consumption (great), crash manufacturing (bad), and boost white collar sectors (especially finance).
Basically this will negatively impact blue collars, and benefit white collars and the rich. Oh look, the big con continues.
Selfish and dumb people may as well just be (involuntary) Russian puppets.
Corporate news is not the guardrails of democracy. Ultimately, the people are responsible.