What’s worse is not knowing if it’s going to be (E)ngland, (G)reat Britain or the (U)nited Kingdom. I always scroll to the wrong point on the list first
Similarly, sometimes forms use foreign countries’ English names, and sometimes the native names. Pretty annoying as a German.
And a special “screw you” to any UI devs that don’t use the native behavior when typing letters while focused on a select field.
Or (B)ritain? Once I even found (T)he UK, which I only discovered by searching the page source.
Most forms will let you type the letters to jump in the list. You’re welcome!
Some don’t. And the devs that implement those should be publicly shamed in pillories.
Yup. I just press D and up to get to Czech Republic every time.
TFW you’re australian so you type “AUST” and hit enter but all of a sudden you’re wearing lederhosen and yodeling at some mountains.
Zimbabwe has the advantage of being at the bottom of the list, so you just scroll all the way down and click.
It’s the same advantage as having a Volvo.
Americuh’ should be no1 on the list! (None of the other countries on the continent matter.)
America, United States of (also known as the AUS).
Cheer up, it will be the Divided States soon enough, closer to the top!
Soon they will be scrolling for (W)estern Alliance
Really I’m just happy to be at an end. Nigerians have it rough there.
I’m in Finland and it’s always mildly weird when these country lists have “Aland Islands” right in the top. I’m not entirely sure in which circumstances the folks from Åland even pick that option. But, I mean, it’s an autonomous region, they do have the right to mildly confuse the people who collect user statistics.
(There was also that one incident when some Google product wasn’t available in EU as a whole due to regulations that had to be sorted out, but it was somehow available in Åland because Google did an oopsie.)
Of course a lot of these, particularly this with nearly or entirely US users, just put the US at the top. Which is smart. I’d expect shit based on other countries to do likewise, especially non-English sites.
It’s smart until I instinctually scroll to the U section only to not find United States
It should be America, United States