• BaldManGoomba@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Like 9-10 million votes are yet to be counted.

    In every swing state except PA. There was record breaking ballots cast. In PA it was close to the record. She lost the election because bad policies not people not showing up. People changed their mind in the 6 swings states. Idk why or what for but this election wasn’t lost because of 10 million people not voting it was lost by my calculations 275,092 votes in 4 states.

    I’ll wait until the count is over to check if she earned more votes in the 6 swing states than biden in 2020. But lots more votes to count again like 10 million yet to be counted almost all in states that are pretty much decided so they didn’t make a difference anyway

    • butwhyishischinabook@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      These people would rather just bitch about leftists than face the reality that they haven’t had a serious, competitive primary in almost two decades and have fully committed to elite control of the primary process. It’s peak moderate head-in-sand burying: “we don’t need to reform anything, we just need to vote harder and yell even more about anyone criticizing us.” I voted for Harris and think it was dumb not to, but at this point anyone insisting that the main problem was people not voting hard enough is a fucking idiot and shouldn’t be taken seriously.

      • BaldManGoomba@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        The problem as I see it and right now we need to wait for more information is they went to the right and thought they could pick up Republicans there is a report that says all the registered Republicans voted republican (don’t know accuracy) except 6% in 2020 and 5%2024. So they picked up no one when they should have went full leftists revolutionary change. They didn’t when despite having the most amount of money so they don’t even need to court the gazillionaires if they are just going to lose.