Phantasy Star (the first one)
Phantasy Star (the first one)
This is about Medicaid government aid paying for non-citizen care
If I were receiving medical care in Canada as a non-citizen, would their government health care pay for it, or would I be given a bill?
This guy was British, rhyming “via” with “choir”
Previous, precious; fuchsia, via; Pipe, snipe, recipe and choir
Not every, but a lot of them yes.
It’s such a luxury to be able to play video games 100+ days in a row. I’m lucky to get a couple hours one day every fortnight
I definitely vote for the Piantor by Beekeeb
What is this tv show?
Based on that screenshot, that game looks terrible.
Have you read what Jesus teaches? He doesn’t actually teach on:
The end of the world is coming
You gotta accept a specific religion
He does teach on:
The kingdom of heaven is here, now
You are invited to participate with God in putting the world back together by treating each other with love and value
A lot of “Christians” don’t understand this. I’d say most don’t.
What kind of boomer shit is this
Check out the Chocofi or the Piantor, or maybe even the Ferris Sweep / Urchin if you want portable.
For MX keyboards, typeractive sells an Ergodash that I would love to own that’s pretty small as well.
I find Home Row Mods really easy to use, but they’re pretty divisive. Some people hate them.
Climb to the top of F1 and jump into the middle spiderweb
There’s also a puzzle somewhere with a ladder you gotta shoot with the slingshot, that’s a little out there
Edit: I was describing the deku tree. Sorry bout that
How about we hire and promote people who are correct for the job, regardless of their gender or race?