What a great way to ensure your state has a critical shortage of doctors. Already happening for women health care departments.
“You do not have to answer the citizenship question if you don’t want to. Your answer will not affect your care — you will not be turned away,” the flyer states. “You have a right to life-saving care, regardless of citizenship or immigration status.”
Think of the children!
Not enough of them are dying!
Just like Jesus would have done when it comes to helping children.
Fucking shitty Republican Christians.
Abbott is garbage on wheels and I sure hope he tries to mess with Children’s. It would be some of the worst publicity possible.
some of the worst publicity possible.
Won’t matter. He’s not gonna get primaried except by someone more extreme, and he’s not going to lose to a Dem, so he’s untouchable.
Can’t wait to see how the next four years and beyond work out. I’m sure it’ll be great.
Freedom of Speech is only for speech the government likes.
Someone should put this fucker on a steep hill with a cliff at the bottom
That sounds survivable, though, I imagine the hospital bills won’t be.
We can add spikes, or maybe hit him with an ATGM on the way down
Cancel culture
On brand.
So happy I got out of that state. I couldn’t stand the idea of my tax dollars funding this fuckhead’s administration.
This is about Medicaid government aid paying for non-citizen care
If I were receiving medical care in Canada as a non-citizen, would their government health care pay for it, or would I be given a bill?
Bad example.
They aren’t asking them for the sake of Medicaid.
This is any person, even single-payer patients (ones paying for themselves), because a state law tying a facility receiving federal funding to a requirement to ask nationality.
Please, read the article next time.