When i was a child, i believed autopilot really worked like in the movie Airplane, that it was an inflatable dummy.
I thought that you would get your grandparents by just going into a train station and picking some random (preferably older person) to be your grandparent.
I was convinced that my parents had done that for me, and that’s why I had grandparents.
I was always phlegmy and coughing as a kid so I became convinced I had diphtheria and would die soon, and thought it would be terrible to let my parents know this sad fact. Turns out it was because 1980s parenting meant smoking anywhere and everywhere at all times and cigarette smoke makes me ill.
Wow. When I started doing theatre in 1983 smoking was becoming evil. Restaurants were required to have nonsmoking sections. The drama instructor quit and was a militant anti-smoker.
Yes there was starting to be some pushback and health education, but most people still smoked at home, and literally everywhere in the home. Your child’s bedroom was fair game. It’s a terrible thing to be in the car in the winter with the windows rolled up and your parent chain smoking away until your eyes swell shut. I know an older nurse who used to work at the pediatric hospital, and she would follow the pediatrician on rounds with an ashtray as he rounded on these children, trying desperately to keep the ashes off the children.
Not sure what age I was, maybe 4. I thought the music on the radio was live, that the musicians went to the radio station to sing and it was broadcast from there.
Yo thats so real. I thought music videos were people literally singing live while the beat just played in the background or something. I always felt something was off or that it was too hard to be legit, but couldn’t figure out what was really up😂
Wedding rings were there to show who was married and who was available. Once you wanted to get married, you just found a friendly person who didn’t have a ring, and then you asked if they’d marry you. I mean, that IS what happens I suppose, but my 8 year old brain played it out like someone asking a nice stranger for the time.
One of my brothers was friends with a pair of twins named Eric and Ryan, but I thought that they were a single entity that somehow had two bodies known as American Ryan
Russ and Oli Gark must have a hard time fitting in
There was a park near my house where often cops would sit to catch speeders. Driving past one day, I didn’t see a cop and I told my parents I was surprised by this. My folks told me that they were there, just undercover. I asked where, and they pointed to a woman walking a dog and they told me it was an undercover speed dog. For years I’d point out suspected speed dogs when we’d drive places. I am not a smart man.
I thought space rockets had to wait for. Ight to go into space. If they took off during the day whey would just go into the blue sky like planes do.
The USA was the moral leader the world. But I watched CNN as a kid so…
Been French, thought that. The propaganda is/was huge on this one
That encountering quick sand in real life was a real possibility every day.
Bonus: My kid doesn’t believe that Santa is magical, he just has really advanced technology.
Clarke’s third law. “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Quicksand thing is fucking stupid though.
I believed a kid who told me that every 4th of July, former US presidents who were still alive - which I somehow imagined was a large group - stood in a circle around the statue of liberty and held hands singing, “He’s got the whole world in his hands.”
I thought the “Gulf War” was in fact the “GOLF War” and was happening at a golf course near our home… like … halfway to see uncle Peter!! 😅
Either I’m stupid or I’m right and relieved, but in French, I think, they’re the same words which led me to not understand why the “golf war” until quite late (early 20yo I think). I didn’t think it was about golfing or anything but… what golf are we talking about lmao?
I thought ‘tomorrow’ was a day of the week. So when my mom would say we’d go somewhere ‘tomorrow’ I’d ask her every day if it was tomorrow yet, and she’d say no, and I’d keep waiting.
I believed that for very small creatures (like ants) time was faster.
I think that is true in a way. Since information has a shorter route to get to their brain than larger creatures, they may react slightly faster
That the Empire State Building is a restaurant named Empire Steak Building.
Me ordering the ribeye.
Wait… wait… [chewing] he’s got a point
Surely there’s a chain of restaurants or butcher shops in New York called Empire Steak, right?
That every time people had sex, the woman became pregnant. I thought that every sex scene in a film meant the film had to be stopped for 9 months until the actress could give birth.