Is it… a game about a game about a game ?
Is it… a game about a game about a game ?
Known for : the Java programming language, internet sex crime and the fantasy defense.
My precious bodily fluids !
If the jailbreak is about enabling the LLM to tell you how to make explosives or drugs, this seems pointless, because I would never trust a IA so prone to hallucinations (and basicaly bad at science) in such dangerous process.
This is so cool !..
Maybe a piece of very dense matter (neutronium ?), at very high speed (relativistic) could do that ?
Ce qui est ironique, c’est que le projet de former un grand rassemblement républicain contre « les extrêmes » , on peut aussi le voir comme un parti unique, le seul présenté comme républicain, légitime et apte à gouverner. Bref une sorte de dictature centriste ! Parlez-moi d’extrême après ça…
I know I shouldn’t do it here, but let me ask a serious question : does the square in O(n!²) really matter ? I have a confused intuition that the factorial grows so much faster than the square that it kind of disapears assymptoticaly.
Til that the gate of the Auschwitz extermination camp is an extremist or hateful symbol.