Company on TikTok got ROASTED for posting this incredibly cringe and honestly infuriating TikTok about how there’s two people working in office during Thanksgiving in the USA, and it’s just the two of them, no one else is there, but they still have to come to the office. They thought they were really doing something here and going to make people laugh. But they are so out of touch with reality. Almost every other company I’ve heard of let’s people work from home during this time, but not these truly soulless corporate shills, of course. And they had the audacity to say that they enjoy working in the office, and it’s not even a good office with cubicles, mind you. It’s one of the open concept ones where there’s no privacy and you have to hear everyone fully…
it’s hilarious how the idea of open concept office is “to encourage cooperation and stuff” when in reality all that happens is that it drives people to get noise cancelling headphones so they don’t hear Garry chewing gum as noisily as humanly possible, or all the “hmmmm Mmmhhmmhhh” sounds he makes while eating lunch at his desk. (Seriously, Garry, you’re not making love to it.)
Or Chatty Kathy on the phone gossiping about this or that.
People are weird. the world was a better place when we didn’t realize how weird.
corporate accounts payable, nina speaking… just a moment
Sounds like a bad case of the Mondays
They ain’t called fundays.
It also hinders cooperation ime. I still go to my coworkers desks to talk because I’m not going to speak over a few people’s heads to discuss something. It’s just that now I can’t have privacy when discussing things. Which I’m convinced is the actual reason for them. Boss can see how much you’re chatting with people and can see when you’re talking unions
Mostly, it started with small startups and then big corpos thinking “hey they were successful! And their team looks happy!”
So they emulate it. The thing is something that works for groups of 5 doesn’t work so well for more than that.
Also, yeah. There’s probably somebody in the corporate decision tree that realizes it’d increase opportunities for middle management to suck the soul out their minions, but usually the people pushing it are just stupid, and trying to be “hip” and “cool”, and all “how do you do, fellow kids?!”-ish cuz they read about it in a Forbes magazine.
That’s fair, I mostly just associate it with Japanese business practices, where to my knowledge it’s an equalization and community thing. You see the big boss sitting there next to everyone same as everyone else in the same uniform and eating the same meals. The problem is, that in Japan they have experience with being considerate of others in shared spaces, and round here in the states we’re atrocious at it.
I might get roasted for this, but as a person who likes to work from home, I did exactly this with a friend on some holidays that both of us didn’t feel the need to take PTO on (we did get to take this PTO later) and it was a blast, having a huge office just for us was really fun.
But I understand that I’m in a privileged position to make this choice and that it changes the context.
People’s work preferences are their own, these guys are having fun, good for them.
I always maintained I can’t work from home, I was forced to teach via zoom during lock downs and even now my job is hybrid, I teach in person in a shared classroom but I don’t have an office, I do all my prep and notes from home. Only I don’t. My productivity genuinely dropped when I lost my office.
Then I house sat for a friend who had a home office and I realised I can work from home, just not my home, because it’s not set up for work and my head space in my home can’t flip to that “productive mode”.
So now I go to the local library, which is better than my house but still not as good as an office because it’s still distracting.
But it depends on the type of work, I prefer lesson planning alone in quiet peace, I get so much done, but when we’re developing community events I love being in our open staff room with laptops out, some of us sitting on the floor, others standing and just shooting ideas around, we always get so much done.
But I’ve worked in other centres where that level of collaboration and communication wasn’t there - we didn’t have the right mix of personality types, and a workplace like my current staffroom would be chaos and nothing would get done.
You do know some jobs can’t be done remote right?
It’s possible the two people are the two with jobs that require some potential in person intervention (IT being the main case)
If something physically fails, you can’t exactly fix that remotely.
The fact only 2 people remained says to me they prolly had that sort of job, or, some people genuinely prefer working in the office.
Sounds crazy but some people don’t have a comfortable set up at home and find it easier to focus in the office. I’ve had data where construction was right outside my window at home so yeah, I went into work to have some quiet.
Most of the time I prefer WFH, for sure.
But to pretend that literally everyone can always wfh, and always wants to, is silly and you’ve gone too far off the other end.
And the statement at the top implies the two people chose not to take PTO anyways. Maybe they wanted to save their PTO for christmas/new years.
Stop being so judgy lol
Would the people who have to deal with hardware not be… where the hardware is? They seem to be sitting in random places.
Seems pretty obvious it’s marketing, not reality, though.
For IT or something, if you have an outage because a piece of hardware failed, then you need to look at your network redundancy. single points of failure like that shouldn’t exist- and it’s been that way for decades if not longer.
if IT is in on a holiday, it’s more likely either that their company wants on site coverage because “reasons”… or it’s patch day.
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Is OP’s tone really any different than your post?
I work in an office cubicle. I am constantly interrupted by coworkers asking for stuff or wanting to take about non-work related things. Or I am distracted by other co-workers who are having loud conversations within 2 meters of me.
I am probably 5x more productive at home than in this environment.
Nowadays cubicle are a luxury. Open floor space is the new hell. We got extra bonus torture at my place, putting office desks right on the fucking factory floor.
Oh yeah I’ve interviewed for a job like that. It’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever fucking heard. “We need people to know the engineer is reachable” ok cool, but I usually take multiple walks on the floor per day and they should know where my desk is and how to get ahold of me. I need some peace and quiet from time to time to do my job though
They need to be able to ask you a question anytime right away. Most questions are about the weather. Sometime it will be : I dropped this very delicate part then stepped on it, do I need to report it?
Let’s be real, though, it really is bliss when there’s no one else around. Hell is other people, after all!
When I had mandatory in person office work, almost my entire team took time off, including the boss, leaving me and my mostly automated data job alone. I brought my steam deck on those days. It was bliss.
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Suicide proof windows
Open office is 10x better than personal cubicles
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What pisses me off most is the misuse of pov. If it were pov I’d only be looking at one fucking person. Porn gets it right, why can’t tiktok???
At least this time it’s not the company I work for.
Open office floor layouts are horrible for those that need to get “into the zone” and grind through work. Nothing like being forced to hearing about somebody’s “Epic” drunk’n weekend.
Time for some Nerf!
I can imagine a scenario where I don’t mind open offices, all it takes is picturing a job where I never have to focus and my coworkers and I never have to take part in calls or online meetings. Oh, and I’d have to like my coworkers and not enjoy the prairie dog style chats.
Sigh, I miss cubicles… At least I can turn my hearing aids off.