I mean, at that point you might as well wear normal jeans.
Yeah I don’t understand shabby fashion at all. I mean if I’m wearing clothing that’s full of holes it’s because I’m too cheap and lazy to buy new clothes.
I ride electric boards. My pants are full of holes, not because I’m cheap or lazy, but because my pants don’t last long 😅
That’s legit though. I’m talking about the people who buy jeans that are pre-worn, with big holes and cuts in them from the store!
very believeable
Holy moly that would save so much time. I already kind of cheat and mostly do my thighs now that it is winter, since I don’t really feel my shin hair normally.
That’s funny; my thigh hair is so thin I don’t even bother, even in the summer. Meanwhile my calf hair is darker and more obvious so that’s what I shave.