I put shit in my mouth that would probably appall most of you. This is so far beyond the pale I haven’t words.
One day my toddler reached in the trash and jammed a fistful of chicken fat in her gob. Of all the nasty shit that child did, that was the one that almost made me puke.
Nobody made you post that
My kid took a bite out of raw chicken that we had marinating in the fridge for dinner. He was old enough to know better. I was disgusted, appalled, worried, and angry. I also couldn’t help but wonder if I was unknowingly starving my kid, or if he was literally retarded. Thankfully he didn’t get food poisoning.
A bit too rare for my taste
Man just trying to hit his macros
Holy shit! What the fuck? Gah! I just got salmonella looking at this picture.
One time, a friend who was very into barbecue came over and seasoned some raw chicken in my kitchen before I put it on the grill. When he was done, he sucked the spices off of his fingers, one by one, before washing his hands of the chicken juices.
I realize that’s not as egregious as this picture, but the man was a medical professional.
Chicken came out pretty well, though.
edit: fix typo.
That’s fuckin nass, man! Blech!
is that salmonella to go?
Why is the escalator smooth? It doesn’t look like a moving walkway, it’s at an angle…
It’s so you can use carts on them. They have magnets on them to lock them down
isn’t it rather the wheels of the trolley that gets trapped in the gaps between metal stripes?
Yeah definitely, magnets would probably not work as expected here
That’s a tralalator, and it’s angled. It is what it is.
Exit: hahaha, tralalator, one of my best typos!Resolution, misleading perspective from above, ai, an open area beside the walkway. Got me, but it’s definitely a moving walkway