Only people that have never played heals well say that.
A good healer? You aren’t bottoming, you’re the center of a team, keeping the pace and flow.
A bad healer, you’re chasing around a step behind the flow, watching your team go down.
eh only bad healers feel like that. when I play overwatch and a really good mercy is on my team she feels like a deity, not a bottom. omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent.
What is being a tank like for gamers?
A soft top/sub top.
This is a meme for 12 year old boys who think the way they like to press buttons is somehow being the top. We’re apes staring at a screen and smacking buttons for dopamine hits. No more, no less.
Um… bottoms like bottoming. Healers like healing. Why should it not be said? Love your truth
Thank you, I feel seen
Bottom here.
I still prefer brawling.