That’s the current best Bluetooth ear buds with user replaceable batteries that can be found at your budget. But they’ll be used.
Beyond that, check out ifixit for their repairability reviews. But you won’t be paying 150 for anything else, even used. Lowest I’ve seen fairbuds go for is about a hundred, and they were in good shape. Lowest I’ve seen the repairable Sonys reach is about 200, used. And don’t ask about the bang & olufsen set, which is pretty much the best out there overall that’s repairable, though I’d have to look up that model.
With true wireless buds, you either pay for crap that’s useless when the battery fails (unless you’re seriously skilled with rebuilding such things), or you pay out the nose for stuff you can keep going. What really sucks is that the prices on the better ones that you can’t repair aren’t even lower than the repairable options.
Having seen people go through high priced buds in a year or two and then the buds essentially die because they won’t hold a charge, there’s no way in hell I’d ever spend more than about thirty on a set that I can’t swap them out without soldering. But you gotta pay up for the ones worth having, or be patient and be willing to buy used. Sometimes you can run across refurbished buds from repairable models as well, and they tend to hit about 3/4 of the original price.
On the fairbuds, I don’t own them, I’ve only used them on loan for a few days.
That being said, I didn’t notice any sync issues on YouTube, or the one movie I watched via HBO’s service.