Edit 12:11 PM 11/6 Pacific
Kentucky (8), Indiana (11), West Virginia (4), Florida (30), South Carolina (9), Tennessee (11), Alabama (9), Mississippi (6), Oklahoma (7), Arkansas (6), North Dakota (3), South Dakota (3), Nebraska (4*), Wyoming (3), Louisiana (8), Texas (40), Ohio (17), Missouri (10), Montana (4), Utah (6), Idaho (4), Iowa (6), Kansas (6), North Carolina (BG-16), Georgia (BG-16), Pennsylvanya (BG-19), Wisconsin (10), Michigan (15), Maine (1*), Alaska (3), Arizona (11) and Nevada (6) called for Trump.
Vermont (3), Connecticut (7), District of Columbia (3), Maryland (10), Massachusetts (11), Rhode Island (4), Delaware (3), Illinois (19), New Jersey (14), New York (28), Colorado (10), California (54), Washington (12), Oregon (8), Virginia (13), Hawaii (4), New Mexico (5), New Hampshire (4), Minnesota (10), Nebraska (1*), Maine (3*) for Harris.
2 counties in PA have extended voting hours due to voting machine problems. 9:30 PM in one, 10:00 PM in the other.
Multiple precincts in Georgia have extended hours due to bomb threats.
Edit 03:09 PM Pacific Harris wins Guam.
This thread is for the Presidential election, my plan is to start marking wins as soon as they are called, sorted by time zone.
Some states are going to take longer than others. Polls generally close at 8 PM local time, but they can’t start counting early/mail in votes until after the polls close.
Wisconsin in particular has an interesting system where ballots are collected by MUNICIPALITY, not precinct, they have over 1,800 ballot counting locations and don’t report until ALL 1,800 are in.
Currently 226 EC votes from Blue States:
4+19+10+7+3+3+4+10+11 +4+14+28+4+3+13+54+12 +10+5+8+6
NC called for Trump. -16 here, +16 to Trump.
GA called for Trump. -16 here, +16 to Trump.
PA called for Trump. -19 here, +19 to Trump.
AZ and NV both called for Trump, +11, +6
Which leaves 312 EC votes in Red States.
9+6+6+6+8+6+10+5+3+7 +3+40+30+11+8+17+9+11+4+3+4+4+3+16+16+19+11+6
270 to Win.
Online map here!
2 AM Eastern / 11 PM Pacific
(D - 4 EC votes) Hawaii - Called For Harris6 AM Eastern / 3 AM Pacific:
Guam - Harris 49.46% vs. Trump 46.22%
Northern Mariana Islands - Not voting for President.Source for NMI not voting for President.
11 PM Eastern / 8 PM Pacific
(D 54 EC Votes) California - Called For Harris
(D 12) Washington - Called For HarrisI am extremely troubled for the future of America. Not because of the current election results; but that this many Americans think Trump was and will be a good president. It’s infuriating the amount of single issue voters there are in the US.
It looks like people think Trump will fix the economy since that is the leading issue in exit polls. Massive trade wars are going to make the inflation of the last 2 years look mild. Americans are deeply stupid.
Texas waited until the 29th of October to mail out my ballot. As of today (November 3rd), I have yet to receive it. I fully expect Texas to fuck me over.
That’s crazy late to mail it OUT. Too late even to mail it back. You’ll have to either find a drop box or hand deliver it to county elections HQ.
If you don’t get it in time, you can always vote in person.
I can’t because I am currently out of state. I believe the cutoff is the post mark date. Still, if it doesn’t arrive tomorrow, they fucked me…and my wife.
Oh, maybe the out of state re-direct caused the delay? Trying to think of a best case scenario here…
There’s not one. The Texas election officials and DeJoy did this intentionally.
I signed up for the ballots in August because I knew I’d be out of state at the time. It is pure fuckery to mail them out on the 29th.
They should be prosecuted for election interference
And sued for election disenfranchisement.
Is there any kind of online source to print it out?
My parents printed their Arizona ballots from an online link. We’re all out of the country. However AZ seems to be taking the polar opposite approach to voting. But please check if there’s anything available.
I can’t believe we’re a few votes away from having a stooge at the helm and an anti vaxxer as the head of the CDC and FDA.
This fucking hurts.
And don’t forget that Herschel Walker will be a DoD lead.
I was trying to :(
Yeah. But we need to squarely focus the blame on Harris, the campaign, the apologists who excused some of here deeply unpopular positions, and disallowed the dissent that tried to bring her to more popular positions.
In the previous 6 elections, the candidate that ran as an anti-elite populist won.
This will make 7 (if Trump wins).
There’s a lot of blame to go around.
-Americans who tolerate and accept Trump’s behavior.
-Biden for not calling it sooner and letting a proper candidate emerge. Harris was the best at the last minute but there should have been actual primaries.
-Harris for not swinging for the fences and playing it safe.
Pretty god damn sad that American are this fucking racist and stupid.
So this is what we are as a nation?
2 tickets with women for president 8 years apart, and we vote for the worst possible man for the job. This country is infested to its core with misogyny.
I hate my gender so much. The world would be so much better without us.
I have young kids… My wife always asks me if bringing them into this world was a mistake. I was always the optimist telling her I didn’t think it so. Now I don’t know what to feel. What are they going to do… Ugh. This is a waking nightmare. I’m scared.
I have a one year old. I’m terrified at how things are going to look in 4 years.
I have five between 20 and 33. I weep for them. All of us.
The choice was a future for them or a now for the elite. The Me Last
generationpeople seemsto have won - and even if not, showed that we are lost anyway without a paradigm shift.10, 3 and 1 here…
Yeah, I decided many years ago not to have kids precisely for this reason.
The best you can do now is to raise them to be better than this.
My kid grew up in the first Trump bullet that we managed to barely dodge.
We planned at that time start to look at colleges outside of the US and my kids is actually interested now.
Guess my family might end up being another first generation immigrant yet again but that won’t be a bad thing.
Raise your kids to be loving, respectful people, that’s the only chance we have for a better future. If we leave the future generations to be raised by people full of hate we’re doomed.
jordanlund is a Lemminal treasure. This thread needs to be pinned to the top of Lemmy (if that was a thing).
The rest of the world is watching, America.
Don’t fuck this up.
Whoever ran the Harris campaign on Reddit deserves their salary. That was an amazing echo chamber that had me fooled. I was expecting a blue wave better than Biden 2020. Too bad it doesn’t translate into the election.
Trump always overperforms. Even in 2020 he did better than he had any right to. This time there is no covid hanging over his head and Biden/Harris are taking all the blame for inflation.
It also does not hurt that millions of Americans willingly consume hours of right wing propaganda everyday. Fox News remains one of if not the top cable channel (after sports) and Joe Rogan one of the top podcasts. Meanwhile CNN has shifted right, papers like the Washington post have been compromised, and the remaining “liberal media” is so obsessed with appearing unbiased that they end up “sane washing” GOP craziness and inflating minor democrat flubs.
It was the same here. Moderation in this sub (to a lessor extent) and other subs (world, news, political_memes), cultivated a garden, through bans, to echo back to themselves the world as they expected to see it. Lemmy is just as knee-jerk delusional in its bans/ down votes as reddit. Dissent gets ignored and down voted. Facts are down voted. Legitimate criticisms are down-voted. All, down-voted into oblivion, because people want a comfortable lie more than an inconvenient truth.
You picked up the wrong message if you think grandstanding about Palestine was going to have any effect on this election at all. A significant portion of this country has fallen to fascism already. We got a lot bigger problems to deal with than the protest vote about Gaza. This country is now a vassal state of Russia, and US hegemony has fallen to the same unitarian kleptocracy that defines the collectivist Eastern Bloc. Figure it the fuck out. War is coming. Decide which side you’re gonna be on Komrade, or it will be decided for you.
You are just wrong. Harris lost this because of her campaign and her rejection of the Palestinian people was her first act as candidate. She led with a sense of entitlement that voters have no other option.
They do. She’ and her apologists have doomed us all.
I am 100% correct. There is no significant population in this country that cares about the fate of Palestinians in comparison to how much they care about themselves.
what specific facts were down voted?
Just listened to Selzer break down her methodology in clear, simple terms. I’m starting to think the polling error this cycle is pretty big, and Harris is going to win handily.
God I hope so… The #1 problem with polling has been trying to determine who is or is not a “likely voter”.
We’re seeing that in PA. 22 recent polls, 18 “Likely Voter” polls, meanwhile 100,000 new voters casting ballots early. New voters aren’t counted as “likely”.
It’s game over if Michigan falls to Trump. Good job being mealy mouthed about genocide. We can’t upset AIPAC can we?
It’s going to boil down to
VA, PA, MI, WI, MN. A Trump win in any of them puts him over the top. Harris has to take allfivefour. VA just got called for Harris. 1 down, 4 to go.MSNBC called PA for Trump, that’s it. It’s over.
But the “Anti-Genocide” vote in Michigan is not significant.
Donald Trump 47,322,739 votes (52.5%)
Kamala Harris 41,760,788 votes (46.3%)
Jill Stein 334,826 votes (0.4%)
Chase Oliver 334,504 votes (0.4%)
Robert Kennedy 291,829 votes (0.3%)
Other candidates 160,156 votes (0.2%)Harris is down 6 million. The other protest votes are 10% of that.
the county trends in swing states compared to 2020 are extremely discouraging.
When the “anti-genocide” people accelerated and intensified the outcome of the existing genocide by protest voting for spoiler candidates it is really hard to muster any sympathy.
Sometimes you have to be willing to play politics in order to win at politics. Purity testing doesn’t count for shit when the opposition is literally in favor of enslaving the entire human race for sport.
Way to go! You really showed the lesser of two evils who’s boss, while the ultra-nationalist psycopaths erradicate millions more innocent people. Nice fucking job 👏
The spoiler candidates weren’t really a factor, at least not in MI. We’ll see how it plays out elsewhere, but as noted above, Harris being down 6 million and ALL the spoilers COMBINED for 600K.
They drove down enthusiasm, and refocused the attention away from the global threat to democracy. So, no offense, but I completely fucking disagree. The fate of Palestine is negligible in comparison to the long term threat of global authoritarianism.
Harris played it safe and it looks like she’s going to lose anyway, so maybe she should’ve considered more progressive ideas. Or maybe listened to her constituents instead of doing what Democrats always fucking do, and playing off the “you have to vote for us because we’re not them.”
But no, let’s blame the voters for a candidate failing to win them over.
I’m fine with tacking to the left. She was not the candidate to do it. Until you have someone who is willing to threaten to rally the same kind of structural violence that Donald Trump is capable of in opposition, and actually make good on it, then moving to the middle is the only logical option. We either get serious about forcing our positions by any means necessary or pander to the lowest common denominator. Those are the only two options.
then moving to the middle is the only logical option.
And Democrats will continue to lose because of this. Americans are tired of progress not happening, so I have to disagree with you.
Democrats needed to rally the country and get them excited behind a progressive candidate actually willing to reflect their constituency. But they won’t, because that’s somehow considered radical by Democrats.
The Democrats keep trying this middle-of-the-road status quo bullshit, and they keep losing. So maybe middle of the road isn’t the play anymore.
Did you somehow miss, or just conveniently ignore the first part of my comment where I literally called for a revolutionary candidate who was willing to restructure the face of the left by whatever means necessary?
No, I didn’t miss it, you just will never convince me that progress can only be made by riding in the middle. Harris needed to be a shift left that a lot of people in this country are desperate for, and instead, she chose centrist policies and pandering to Republicans for their votes.
The “political” game is over, we needed actual change, and we got it, just not from the candidate we needed.
This makes the assumption that the protest vote went to Jill Stein.
I’ve been saying the entire time that both of these candidates were in a race with the couch.
Harris didn’t give voters something to show up for. So they chose the couch.
Not JUST Jill Stein. The combined total of ALL the “also ran” candidates doesn’t cover the gap between Trump and Harris.
Even if they all voted for Harris, it wouldn’t make a difference.
Which one of those candidates is “I didn’t vote because I didn’t feel represented?”
I expect, when the votes are all counted, you won’t see a significant difference in the percentage of non-voters.
We’re going to need to look at post election polling I think.
Oh, definitely!
I think that Harris will take Michigan (Go Blue! literally), but I’m really afraid that it won’t matter.
It’s at 33% counted right now
Bruh there are already people in this thread trying to blame the people trying to say that her stance on genocide was losing this election.
What a fucking disaster.