s7e19 “Strange Bedfellows”
Worf has a real knack for this sort of thing.
If the last door is Weyoun 7 (pictured above), then 5 (background) had a mysterious “transport accident” (at the hands of Damar) and 6 (middle ground) was the traitor who died helping Odo.
Is this a Dinosaurs reference?
I’m glad somebody caught on. Thanks.
It was one of my favorite shows growing up, but not a lot of people seem to remember it.
Maybe because of the ultra depressing ending that’s just as relevant now as it was back then.
Far more relevant now, unfortunately.
wait, that was the ending? I could’ve sworn it went on for another season that nobody watched.
for some reason I thought the ending was when they threw granny in the tar pit
FYI, it’s on Disney+ for people to watch. So I hope they do.
Oh damn, I missed the reference!
There’s always more Jeffrey Combs in the cabinet.
And in the banana stand?
might be a bit obscure, but hopefully someone gets it
Excellent movie
It’s one of my favs for sure.