Can’t wait for the special edition where it turns out Garak punched first.
Need Patrick Stewart and that battle pug to cheer us up.
Nah, just a living legend.
That and more available at fontmeme
We really could use a little George Carlin right about now… And Joe Pesci, just to be safe.
Our leaders no longer cut out the hearts of their enemies as tribute.
Ok, on it!
Some good times had from that era. Not to mention some malware. At any rate, thanks.
I just want someone to let him finish a limerick for once.
Not mine, just an old classic.
There’s a mixed metaphor that serves both, but I can’t sort it out just now.
“Well, your poems were clever, Data, and your Haiku was clever, and your sonnet was clever. But did it evoke an emotional response? To be honest, no, I don’t think so.”
I tend towards Geordi’s view.
Captain Archer was very protective, and as such, took certain precautions to ensure that good boi’s longevity.
Sadly, he has left us. We’ll keep his memory alive by celebrating his works.