“Please don’t kill me. :(“ Begs UnitedHealth CEO
“The system needs to function better,” says the figurehead of a completely unnecessary middleman.
Cool. Shut down your company and tell everyone else in your network to do the same.
But then who will protect us from “unnecessary care”? He’s just trying not to get shot
Here’s an idea. Take out the pieces that inflate costs, provide no actual healthcare, and make ridiculous profits.
“Somebody involved in it, perhaps towards the top, should do something about that”, he continued.
“I mean, not me. I only just got this job. Still finding my way. But someone should definitely do something. Gonna be a lot of work figuring out what should be done. It’s just so complicated. We’re going to have to invent some way to make sure everyone can access competent and affordable healthcare. How do you do that? Where do you even start? What a monumental task. But think of the accomplishment if we could do that. Think of the example we’d be setting for so many other nations. We’d be pretty great. I mean we already are pretty great, but we’d be better. Man, we’d be awesome.” At this point he’s gone, like a poor person dreaming about what they’d do if they won the lottery.
“We only do reprehensible things because we’re allowed to. We would totally be ethical if forced to!”
They say this because…
… anyone?
That’s right, Timmy, it’s because they want to execute a large merger once Trump is in power.
“We’ll be able to improve efficiency, reduce duplicative effort and increase profits.”
“And lower rates?”
Ha ha ha ha ha DUH
He’s right. Let’s get rid of the part that doesn’t function well. His entire industry.
All it does is put barriers between patients, their doctors, and the care they need while increasing costs with no actual benefit to anyone other than the insurance executives. Nearly every job in the industry would still be needed under a universal health care system, there just wouldn’t be a middle man increasing prices by billions every year so they can make a profit.
New bargaining chip at the table: his balls and a tenderizer on a wooden slab.
Let us commence the negotiations.
More green plumbers please.
And to do that they are going to increase premiums and double your max out of pocket limit every year. Perfect!
Edit: ok having read the article it looks like he is going to push for regulating pharmaceutical companies while simultaneously pushing for states with stricter insurance regulations to be forced (via federal courts or legislation) to lower their standards.
By getting rid of private health insurance.