This is getting super fucking ridiculous. And, of course, President Musk has weighed in:
Also Monday, Elon Musk, the billionaire owner of Tesla and a close advisor to the President-elect, said on X, the social media site he owns, that “The People of Greenland should decide their future and I think they want to be part of America!”
At least one Greenlander MP has a good response:
Aaja Chemnitz, a member of Greenland’s parliament wrote in a post on Facebook that people in Greenland need to get better at saying no to the President-elect, writing that it is “incredible that some can be so naive to think happiness is made by us becoming American citizens” and that she doesn’t “want to be a piece of Trump’s hot dreams of expanding his empire to include our country.”
“Don’t let Trump control the Greenland election campaign and leave the population as losers in that game,” Chemnitz wrote.
I really hope the rest of the world takes America seriously right now. We are about to become a massive threat (not to say we aren’t already) and if we are handled with the same level of meh that the voters handled this election it’s gonna get ugly.
These are threats. Not even all that thinly veiled.
Although keeping Trump busy with Greenland might do the rest of the world a favor. Get his nut followers to demand boots on the ground. Have them go to war with walruses.
Trump isn’t being kept busy with Greenland, Trump is keeping the news cycle busy.
It’s “wag the dog”, and has been a standard GOP ploy for years now. Like how he banned trans folks from the military during his impeachment hearings, right when they were talking about the Magnitsky Act and how it impacted Putin and Trump.
No one thinks it’s going to happen, it’s to keep everyone distracted as he takes office and starts dismantling things and consolidating power. If it actually could happen they’ll cross that bridge when they come to it.
It’s all fun and games unless he actually succeeds somehow…then we’re in for a world of shit. You can look forward to every other greedy dictator attacking neighbors they feel should be part of their countries, now that the US has led the way.
No, start taking all these things seriously. Why wouldn’t Greenland/Denmark put some resources into it? What other superpower is making threats against their sovereign land?
Figure out what media channels, what sort of disinformation avenues will be used, what major political parties would be corrupted… Assess, implement whatever policies can help combat these vectors, and worst case, if Trump wasn’t serious, you’ve strengthened your country against foreign influence campaigns.
Best case, Trump is serious, but you make it just difficult enough that he fucks off to do some other bullshit instead.
And if it’s all a distraction for something else, then address that something else in parallel.
It’s like how the media wouldn’t call Trump out on lies just because he does it so much. No. Fucking call him out every time. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, you just blatantly lied, here’s the receipts, here’s the clip, stop fucking talking about other shit until you explain this. Instead we just get bedazzled by his torrent of bullshit and just start hoping for the best, which clearly is not working in our favor.
Yesss! I can’t wait for us to become part of Greenland, and thus the EU! I for one welcome or new progressive Danish leaders!
For those of you scoring at home, we’re taking over Greenland, Canada, Panama Canal and Great Britain.
Could have sworn he also said Mexico.
I guess that would be a fast way to get things like universal health care. Add a bunch of voters who will be shocked by how much shittier the American alternative is.
You think they would get to vote?
Ffs, leave Greenland alone. I can’t believe I have to live with this shit for the next 4 years. Maybe more.
Notably grocery prices are set in Greenland. Oh they’re not and this is idiotic banter? Right.
At this point Denmark should just ask for a few hundred billion, and then give every Danish citizen a huge payout.
If Trump wants Greenland, make him pay for it.
Greenland is its own country, this is like saying denmark should sell mexico to the US.
They can’t, it’s not their land.