Its 2025, are most drivers ready for a 3rd dimension to keep track of?
What’s depth weeeeeeeee
imagine most cars today flying autonomously
now picture unbearable noise, cost, visual pollution, and a massive increase in emissions (or electric grid pressure)
thankfully this never caught on
Initially I thought it said “hitler’s flying sedan”
You are not the only one.
Technically they got approved by the FAA for the first time like a year ago. There have been tons of startups but they always go bankrupt.
Pretty sure a recent one has been on the news alongside Fox New’s regular Drone-phobia segment, wouldn’t be surprised if they get shot down.
Don’t give Musk any ideas.
Luckily they won’t work on Mars, so he won’t touch it for very long…
People can barely keep their cars in good shape. Imagine that shit falling on you.
They’re called helicopters.
could you imagine cars falling from the sky because the driver is playing on their phone or ran out of gas? no thanks.