It presents a slight problem when the ones they’re bringing in to deal with the shitty politicians are the people who paid them to be shitty in the first place.
It presents a slight problem when the ones they’re bringing in to deal with the shitty politicians are the people who paid them to be shitty in the first place.
You mean like HR 1 For the People Act which passed the house twice but got filibustered and 30 years of campaign finance reform starting with a 1995 bill outlawing large donations (which was passed in 2002 but stricken down by the scotus 5:4 as the basis for Citizens United) that
*checks notes
Republicans refuse to pass?
This is a partisan issue, bothsidesing this is pure ignorance. Get 60 Dem senators and watch it get fixed.
Doesn’t matter. Everything is a conspiracy. Everything is the fault of some mysterious cabal.
Sir, excuse me, sir, pardon me you almost left behind this very important /s. These things are mandatory, wouldn’t want to lose it.
That only went thru due to Enron crashing, and was a bipartisan effort from McCain and Feingold that was already in the works, they just didn’t have the numbers till Enron’s checks stopped…
And it directly led to PACs…
And the wealthy immediately struck back.
That is widely recognized as when Republicans went off the deep end.
Don’t assume everyone with a D by their name is on your side just because at the national level these days everyone with an R is on the other side.
If we need 60 votes to fix this, and we have 60+, expect just as many to act like Manchin as needed to bring that number down to 59.
We need to treat primaries serious so that if the day comes and we have 60, it gets done.
Because if we have 60 and it doesn’t get done, it’ll crash turnout.
Just like it did when we were told Biden and 50 senators could get shit done.
It wasn’t exactly Bipartisan, it was every single Democrat and also 11 Republicans.
Obviously it wasn’t an overnight switch, although my phrasing is more often used for a sudden change, it was a gradual one over decades so I should have used something else.
But Democrats being better than Republicans on average for decades doesn’t mean every Democrat is good now. And every Republican being shit now doesn’t mean that was always the case.