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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: April 1st, 2024


  • Peer review isn’t an infallible process, it has been shown to be super susceptible to cronyism for example, and even outside of it churns out a vast array of (mostly) useless unreproducible, or sometimes even entirely fraudulent, research. I don’t even have a problem with the former part, research is actually a lot more tinkering and trial based than some set-in-stone endeavour and it certainly wouldn’t hurt the good Ms Sparado to remember that.

    I am paraphrasing the post from memory but it came across extremely gatekeepy and condescending with the “but have you conducted double blind trials like I have?” (or sentiments to that effect) as if those are the only valid ways of conducting research. Not even a slight sign of humility in how much researchers and academics have got wrong themselves and maybe to use that as an example in caution when doing your own research.

  • Right, because professional researchers and academics have never been blinkered by biases or had financial motives to publish certain things or the fact that most published research is unreproducible horseshit. I don’t need a meta-analyses and cross corroborated studies to know something works for me despite all the published reasons that say it shouldn’t (or vice versa). Pathetic attempt at gatekeeping IMO completely forgetting that most research is in fact based on tinkering and trial & error. Professional researchers are not magically immune to human biases and fallacies, case in point thalidomide, trans fats, “heart healthy” seed oils etc etc.

  • During one of the lowest ebbs in my life, I subconsciously and unknowingly sustained myself simply by buying one extra dessert (ice cream, chocolate, something sweet and inocuous) for the doormen at my building. This small act of human bonding would give me enough energy to face tomorrow without dreading it, and little by little I was able to dig myself out of a deep hole.

    The point of this parable is, do not underestimate the value of human connection! A very small act may turn someone’s day around and that energy is reflected back to you in droves.

  • I once read someone make a point (more eloquently than me) that procrastination is your brain’s internal bullshit detector. For example, if a lion were to break into your room right now, you would get the fuck up and flee no matter how lazy/neet you may be. Therefore the matters you procrastinate on are a big old bag of hooey (according to your mind).