Women were little girls until they were scorned?
Women were little girls until they were scorned?
we dont need to worry about the climate anymore. We’d be lucky to survive the next decade.
You can stop now. Putin isnt paying overtime.
No. One party benefits maintainig the status quo. The other is willing to burn it all down to gain power.
Wasnt dooku a sith? Thus was working for palpatine and the whole war was a plot to undermine the old republic to create an empire that palpatine directly controlled.
Or you know. The phone just auto corrects fiancée correctly.
Investigated for having a monopoly? Probably.
Thats merely an excuse to keep them as “illegal” and maintain a poltical boogeyman.
everyone thinks they are the leopard eating faces until a bigger leopard eats their face.
Just a reminder, there were “Jews for Hitler”. We can guess what happened to them after hitler rose to power.
Conservatives have always been about creating and maintaining have exploitable underclass. First it was owned slaves, then prisoner slaves, than “illegal” immigrants.
A new moon is when the moon is between the sun and earth. A full moon is when the moon is behind the earth, and a lunar eclipse is when the earth blocks the sun on the moon during a full moon cycle.
PLA requires industrial high heat composting to breakdown. Otherwise it will be around as long as any other type of plastic.
My years of playing ksp says you should be firing the thrusters long before you open the chutes otherwise theyll just get jerked off the moment they open at high speed entry…
I smell a conspiracy of a luxury couch corporation wanting to get a contract furnishing the white house.
Now you too can be beaten down with a delicious Chulupa Supremetm
If these “christians” could read, they’ll be really upset.
Wouldnt reduce be better? 90% of pc users would be fine with Pentium 3 PC. Thats the minimum for SSE used for web security.
By your logic, we should all be using DB9 serial ports because thats what all eletronics used for decades before USB came.
What an idiot. Just ask daddy for a small 1 million dollar loan. Its just that easy.