Oh nein, I ate die Zwiebel!
Lithuanian 30+ year-old shitposter who works as a programmer.
Oh nein, I ate die Zwiebel!
It’s short for “Femoid”, which is itself short for “Feminine humanoid”.
Wasn’t there a scandal in Germany that 45% of MILF pornstars don’t actually have any children?
I put a dick on it. (Lithuanian)
I think that you caught me.
… Or slut, which means end.
There’s also a Baltic cult of worshipping wood snakes. And a fairy tale about one being the king of the sea.
I think that extremes exist and go to both directions. I have known people who lost their mind when their wages tripled after they started working abroad (e.g. my father started having mistresses when his salary went from 800 euros to 2200 in today’s money). But I have also known millionaires who live very middle class lives, except they travel more and drive better cars.
Please explain to me how sending most of the Baltic intelligensia to die in Siberia and replacing them with Russian settlers who held most positions of power was better for my rights than what I have right now.
Please tell me how great my grandmother in law had it living in the outskirts of Archangelsk in a wooden barrack because she was sent there against her will, how much more rights and opportunities she had back then.
Please explain to me how great the industrial management in the USSR was, where they built a bunch of heavy industries in countries that had few mineral resources to support them locally, leading to plant closures in the 90s.
Before WWII, Estonia was a bit richer than Finland. Not it is lagging behind by decades.
My neighbour smokes indoors. When she opens the door, I get the smell you are talking about.
I have been using Manjaro for about a year now and had 0 major issues so far.
It even asked me if I wanted to replace Ubuntu on my root partition while keeping my /home on a separate partition intact, something I had to set manually while reinstalling Ubuntu every year.
I made my own version for Celerity Dust, a small LGBT vtuber.
There’s typically a separate spot for LPG, so this arrangement looked mildly interesting to me.
I’ve heard that Lithuanian military rations contain chocolate made by Rūta and foreigners seem to really like it for some reason.
Don’t let your dreams be memes!
When you write a letter to Santa but are dyslexic.
I’m in this post and I don’t like it.
Soviet Union had a limited ability to produce things, especially heavy machinery. Their leadership quickly realised that they can’t outproduce the Western countries on everything, so they decided to only match their military production capabilities. Which led to them falling further and further behind.
Me when I test something in production
Complains about feminine energy while looking like a middle aged woman.