I’d be interested in the Mooltipass, but they’ve been out of stock for over a year, saying they’re working towards a new unit. Last update I saw was about a month or two ago, saying they were ‘close’…
I’d be interested in the Mooltipass, but they’ve been out of stock for over a year, saying they’re working towards a new unit. Last update I saw was about a month or two ago, saying they were ‘close’…
I think it’s the sole of his shoe
I was wondering where to sign up when I thought the car was doing donuts
For me, it’s my roommate and the never-ending rant about ‘stupid’ things going on at work.
I don’t know what everyone is bitching about, the US is finally getting their first African American president
With the side on the right, you have to leave a single hair growing, otherwise you can’t use either.
So cats and caterpillars really are related.
“Humans are the loveable idiots in the galaxy.”
TBH, the third was sorta pushing too.
I’m thinking it’s more related to their appearance. Murrikans just like the look of washed eggs.
Nu-metal would be pop rocks and cola
Pop would be cotton candy. Eye catching, but no real substance.
I’m not sure who would stop reading in the middle of a page/paragraph (neutral good), but if I were to do that, I’d have re-read the whole page.