The hamburger, from the city of Hamburg.
Wasn’t the hamburger invented in the US? There they had Frikadellen, which are arguably much better.
As far as the story goes, the meat-in-a-bun concept was taken by sailors from Hamburg to the USA, where it was tweaked for local preferences and then called a hamburger. So the Germans invented it, USA marketed it.
So they
- Applied previous knowledge
- Created something observed to be new
- Named it
And that doesn’t count? What’s the definition of inventing something? If I create a new flavor of bread, does it not count because flour was already invented?
When you go back further it was the romans that brought that concept to Germany. Romans invented it, Germany tweaked it, and USA went further with it.
Name something the Germans didn’t invent.
Civil engineering. And they’ve been confused at how the Italians beat them to it ever since
The number zero, sanitation, statistics.
Schadenfreude. I mean they probably didn’t invent the feeling but I can give them credit for it along with the word.
TIL that’s a feeling and not just the TF2 laughing emote
Its more than a feeling.
Hard to say. There are soo many Germans, who knows what they’ve googled!
Health insurance. Little known fact but it was actually invented not just before Google but before the entire internet.
Modern physics.
Nuclear physics.
Diesel engine, Mustard gas, and Synthetic fertilizer.
Depending om what you mean by “inventing synthetic fertilizer”, couldn’t the invention be either Norwegian (Birkeland-Eyde), German (Haber), or English (Thomas)?
Haber, he is generally credited with creating the process. Also mustard gas.
Yeah, obviously Haber is credited with creating the Haber process. As for inventing synthetic fertilizer, I’m going for it being a Norwegian invention with the Birkeland-Eyde process.
I guess this is a matter of inventing it on a base level and making it worthwhile. Just cause ya domesticated the horse doesnt mean ya can ride it.
Gutenberg printing press
V2 rockets
Automatic Transmission
Flammable “Fertilizer.”
SAP (maudits allemands !)
The Zweihänder and Aldi
Ps: I DuckDuckGo’ed this