Looks like the 1992 Animated Batmobile, but not as cool.
If there ever were a car that I would conceivably shove up my own ass, this would have to be the one.
No sharp edges, glossy finish, and a 600hp electric motor? Sign me up.
Appearance gets sales on debut, but I’m still riding on a trusty, utilitarian Ford Probe
Of all the things to whine about, holy shit.
It’s hideous. Did they have muskRat consulting?
The “unexpected” mixing of upper and lower case looks more like a shit explanation of wanting all the letters to be curvy, but the same size.
I have bad news for them, it’s not seamless
Am I missing some grammatical update that changes status verbs (is/are) to plural form when using a singular group name? “jaguar are doubling”? I keep seeing this across lemmy. Is it regional? American here, always taught “jaguar is” and “the band is” etc
It’s a British thing. They will often refer to a company or other organization as a plural entity when reporting on it.
Thanks, interesting. Does that occur in India as well? I suppose I can see the reasoning (Jaguar is made of thousands of people, so jaguar “are” deciding things as a group so plyralizing the verb gives identity to the individuals) but it still sounds awful to me. Then again, it’s all about sound to me, right? I’d still say “The Beatles are deciding” despite being a group name.
I heard they’re not making any cars this year. They just stopped production to sell their existing inventory or something. Sales are way down. It surprises me because they make Land Rover and people really like those.