Wait . . . for reals?
It’s a joke from another meme. There was much debate about how to pronounce gif. Is it like the beginning of give or more like jiffy.
This is a level 2 meme, you have to know a level 1 meme to understand this one.
*rubs forehead*
There . . . is. NO. DEBATE. GRAPHICS Interchange Format. GIF.
. . . so tired . . .
so very tired . . .
Ty for the winning statement!
I offer a thrid option, silent g
As gif!
let’s check in with the inventor…
The inventor of the common pronunciation of GIF? That’d be like, 20 million people wouldn’t it?
The man who invented the format/word. He gave his input as well.
Just because someone made it doesn’t mean they understand it.
I could draw a picture of a purple dragon fucking a monkey but couldn’t tell you why.
But I feel they have more legitimacy and say than you or I. That being said, language is a fluid thing and influenced by the masses.
moms like you choose .gif :/