Naoki Yoshida, known as Yoshi-P and the director of Final Fantasy 14, has expressed skepticism about the feasibility of remaking Final Fantasy 9 as a single title.
Every one is mad because they’re greedily milking reruns and I’m just laughing because they clean skipped over FF8.
They know you can’t improve on a master piece.
Which is my favorite one. I never liked 7, it never grabbed me. But I loved 8.
I think it made sense for 7. Midgar was the most interesting set piece and a ton of stuff happens there. But it’s only like 10% of the game.
Then you collect side characters like infinity stones and to through a bunch of their individual stories.
Then the actual story happens.
Also, 7 is popular enough to support the split up.
This doesn’t make sense for 9. Also, isn’t it supposed to be a 1 for 1 remake?
But they want more moneyyyyy 🥺
I don’t think it even makes sense financially. There’s not really a first part for people to get excited about compared to Midgar in 7. 9 is more of a full package game.
Mist Continent to Outer Continent for part one. They’ll beef up the escape sequence in Fossil Roo as the end of the first game.
They’ll add a bunch of filler and make Terra its own game.
Part three will be the endgame + the optional open world stuff before the endgame.
They’ll fit a part four by carving something else up too.
It’ll be a shame, too, since FF9 has a fun story and characters.
Because people liked the idea so much with FF7? /s